Inspiring Quote to Help You Face Your Fears


Siquijor Island was one of the most beautiful place i discovered from a 2 month trip in Philippines. A Trully Magic Island !

Hello Steemit ! It's Dorine and i'm french.

For four years, I traveled alone with my backpack. I discovered wonders. I met beautiful souls. These four years were a rich learning experience for me. Without doubt : the biggest and longest experience of my life.

With hindsight, I ask to myself:

"What if i have never found the courage to step outside my confort zone ?"

Making the decision to leave home to see the world was a difficult decision to make. Especially as a young woman. Who has never been afraid of the unknown ?

One of my biggest lesson learned from my backpacking's experiences : have the courage to face your fears ! Because your fears are the main obstacles of all your beautiful projects.


When the first call of adventure is occurring, we are initially reluctant because of fear. But believe me, once the first step is taken, the magic operates quickly. This is the first step of your hero journey. You have to cross the first threshold of your adventure. You have to "face your fears". This is only then that the discovery of a truly extraordinary world is possible.

For all of those who feel stuck in their lives, here is Goethe's essential text, which insists on the fundamental notion of personal commitment so that the magic of your life comes into play ! I love this quote because it makes sense to travelers and adventurers. I hope it will help you to have the courage to pursue your dreams, to believe in your projects. In short : to become the best version of yourself !



Dorine Clay.

PS : Sorry if my english is not perfect, i'm french...

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