The Natural Pregnancy Diary

My Natural Pregnancy Diary

While I'm very excited to become a mom I must admit that this pregnancy is surreal at times. People keep asking us if we would prefer a boy or a girl, and the truth is that we want to welcome a healthy baby no matter the gender.

Besides trying to secure the best financial future for our child we have also decided to be as organic as possible with everything we consume. I wanted to become a vegetarian long before I found out I was having a baby. However, I would always fall victim to a good burger or juicy steak . If I even dare try to eat that now my baby will reject it and I will have a violent morning sickness episode the next day.


Today I woke up craving a vegetable plate from Bantam & Biddy, one off my favorite places here in Atlanta. For lunch I had their mac & cheese, fried okra, black bean soup & some spinach sautéed in garlic butter. I try to stay away from cheese and fried foods but sometimes I treat myself. :)

Another way I stay on top of my health is by taking holistic supplements on a daily basis. Every morning I start out by taking a tablespoon of Oxyhemo and another by noon. Ohyhemo is designed to help with iron deficiency and low blood count which is something I have had an issue with since my early teens. I also prepare a smoothie and add all natural sea moss which contains key essential nutrients that are good for the body. I also add DHA flax oil to my water because it helps with baby's brain development.


Usually prenatal vitamins carry all these nutrients in one, but I felt it was important to seek these nutrients in their most natural form not just condensed all in one. Getting these nutrients in the form of vitamins is still effective but disturb the organic chemistry that comes with the natural approach.

Thanks you guys for allowing me to share my journey with you , stay tuned for my 20 week anatomy scan !

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