Complete diet in hypo and hyperthyroidism to improve weight and quality of life

Diet in alterations of the function of the thyroid gland

The diet in these patients will depend on the type of alteration they present, whether hypo or hyperthyroidism.
What is the thyroid gland

or thyroid gland is located in the anterior part of the neck, just below the larynx. Its function is to secrete hormones that control the metabolism. It produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

These two hormones control cellular metabolism, that is, the use of energy by cells. Therefore, when the thyroid gland is destabilized, it can cause the person to lose weight or gain weight sharply.

The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating metabolic processes. That is why an alteration at the level of it will affect the metabolism and its regulation.


What is hypothyroidism?


Hypothyroidism is known as slow thyroid or slow metabolism. It is the reduction of the normal activity of the thyroid gland. It is a fairly common disease that affects the metabolic system and that is characterized by an abnormal production of thyroid hormones.

It has a higher incidence in women, because they are exposed to more hormonal variations throughout their lives. It is more common from the age of 40, although it occurs frequently during pregnancy and can appear at any age.

Causes hypothyroidism


  • Chronic iodine in the diet.
    -Radiotherapy against cancer.
    -Treatment with lithium or other drugs.
    -Sheehan syndrome during pregnancy.
    -Virical infections.
    -Attack of the immune system against the thyroid gland.

Hypothyroidism symptoms
The most frequent symptoms of hypothyroidism are:
-Weight gain.

  • Fatigue and hypersensitivity.
    Stretching and hard stools.
    -Intolerance to cold.
  • Abundant menstrual flow.
  • Coarse facial expressions, hoarse voice and slow diction.
  • Fallen eyelids, bulging eyes.
    -Rather hair, rough and dry
  • Skin rough, thick, dry and scaly.
  • Brittle and weak nails.

Hypothyroidism diet

The basis of your hypothyroid diet is to reduce the consumption of some foods that reduce thyroid activity and increase the consumption of hyperthyroid foods.

Recommended foods in hypothyroidism

In your diet for hypothyroidism you should increase the consumption of hyperthyroid foods because they are rich in iodine and activate the production of thyroid hormones. There are foods that, due to their high content of iodine, help to regulate thyroid function, stimulating the production of thyroid hormones and helping in the control of weight. Among the recommended foods for overweight hypothyroid patients are:
vegetables: garlic, tomatoes, spinach, beans, peas, lentils, fennel

cereals and legumes: corn, sunflower, lentils, peas, beans, oats.

fruits: mango, apple, dates, coconut, strawberries, apricot, Brazil nuts, pineapple, hazelnut, pistachios, cashew nuts; hyssop, fennel, ground ivy, cinnamon, ginseng, basil, almonds.

Herbs and aromatic species: hyssop, ground ivy, ginseng, cinnamon.

Proteins: (Proteins transport thyroid hormone through the body) eggs, fish

marine algae: especially Fucus vesiculosus; seafood and iodized salt.

Includes foods that provide the amino acid tyrosine in your diet for hypothyroidism. Tyrosine is obtained from another amino acid, the phenylalanine present in fish, meat, almonds, pumpkin seeds and sesame.

Foods that provide vitamins A, B2, B3, B6: egg, banana, almonds, watercress, cucumber, peas, herbs (cinnamon, ginseng, basil, fennel).

Foods to avoid in hypothyroidism

there are also foods that should be avoided or limit their consumption. These are foods called bociógenos, which are rich in caffeic, chlorogenic, ellagic and lithium acids, and interfere in the production of thyroid hormones. These foods should be avoided in these patients, or at least that their consumption is very little.

• Sugars, caffeine and refined carbohydrates. These foods can burn the thyroid and destabilize the blood sugar. Reducing or even eliminating these foods can minimize a thyroid that does not work properly.

• Energy bars, soy products and genetically modified foods, as they can hinder cell receptors and alter the feedback system in the hormonal or endocrine system.

• Gluten. Gluten is composed of glutein and gliadin proteins. The molecular structure of gliadin is similar to the thyroid gland, so that when the labels the immune system for destruction not only destroys the gliadin protein but also attacks the thyroid tissue that affects the secretion of thyroid hormone. The gluten in refined flour is much worse than gluten from natural sources such as barley or whole oats.

• Cruciferous: as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and especially radish. Due to their content of caffeic and chlorogenic acids, they reduce thyroid activity.

• Fruits: Oranges, lemons, figs, avocados, plums, peaches, pomegranates, melons, grapes.

• Nuts: such as chestnuts and nuts and legumes such as soybeans, chickpeas and peanuts, peanuts are legumes and also contain caffeic and chlorogenic acids.

• Cereals: such as millet, wheat and seeds such as flax seeds and pine nuts, which also reduce the production of thyroxine.

• Caffeic acid: celery, orange, lemon, carrot, avocado, plum, eggplant, peach.

• Ellagic acid: pomegranate and grape.

• Lithium: onion, asparagus, melon, parsley, potatoes.

• Vegetables: cabbages in general, Brussels sprouts, radishes, celery, pumpkins, lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, carrots, eggplant, asparagus, parsley, potatoes.

Other tips for hypothyroidism

Establish a fixed schedule of 5 meals, taking into account:

• In all meals there should be: protein, favorable fat and carbohydrates.
• Three main meals and one / two snacks.
• Do not let more than one hour pass, since you get up without having breakfast.
• Do not let more than 4-5 hours pass between meals.
• If you spend more than 3 hours from dinner at bedtime, take a snack (type ½ morning).
• Take a glass of warm water with 2-3 drops of lemon before breakfast, as it helps restore the acid base balance.
• Do not mix starches in the same food: bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, banana, corn, beet, pumpkin.
• Reduces the intake of red meats, sausages, cuts of pork and fatty cheeses, egg yolks, processed foods, refined and exciting (coffee, tea, chocolate). Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Better off meals.
• The preparation of the food will be grilled, cooked, steamed, baked ... Avoid culinary preparations that incorporate a lot of fat: fried, stews, breaded, stews, etc.
• You can season the food (lemon, vinegar, spices, pepper ...) to flavor the dishes.
• Moderates the amount of salt. In case of fluid retention, "salt without sodium" is recommended.
• The black cola (soft drinks), coffee, mate and tea are calorie-free, but they are powerful stimulators of insulin and the storage of body fat, so reduce their consumption and if you take them, make it at breakfast together with other foods with fiber. The rest of the day take them decaffeinated.
• Lead an active life, exercise and keep stress at bay, stress makes you fat.

Cyclic diet menu to lose weight with hypothyroidism

List 1

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with infusion, 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 piece of low-fat cheese with firm paste.
Half Morning: 2 pineapple slices.
Lunch: 1 serving of grilled fish with 1 plate of carrot and cabbage salad, 1 fresh fruit.
Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt with 1 handful of cereals without sugar.
Dinner: 1 serving of seaweed salad, cabbage and brown rice, 1 serving of dietary gelatin.

List 2

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with infusion, 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 piece of low-fat cheese with firm paste.
Half Morning: 1 egg.
Lunch: 1 portion of fat-free pork with 1 plate of carrot and cabbage salad, 1 fresh fruit.
Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt with 1 cup of dried plums.
Dinner: 1 serving of seaweed salad, cabbage and brown rice. 1 serving of dietary gelatin.

List 3

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with infusion, 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 piece of low-fat cheese with firm paste.
Half Morning: 1 carrot.
Lunch: 1 chicken breast with 1 serving of tomato and onion salad, 1 serving of gelatin with 1 cdita of dietary cream.
Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt with 1 handful of cereals without sugar.
Dinner: 1 portion of vegetable panache (chard, 1 potato, carrot, broccoli), 1 cooked fruit.

List 4

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with infusion, 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 piece of low-fat cheese with firm paste.
Half Morning: 2 pineapple slices.
Lunch: 1 serving of tuna with 1 serving of rice with peas, 1 fresh fruit.
Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt with 4 or 5 dried plums, previously hydrated.
Dinner: 1 serving of prawns with 1 serving of broccoli salad, 1 cooked fruit.

List 5

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with infusion, 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 piece of low-fat cheese with firm paste.
Half Morning: 1 carrot.
Lunch: 1 serving of beef, 2 baked potatoes, 1 cup of fruit salad.
Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt with 1 handful of cereals without sugar.
Dinner: 1 serving of prawns with 1 serving of broccoli salad, 1 cooked fruit.

List 6

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with infusion, 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 piece of low-fat cheese with firm paste.
Half Morning: 2 pineapple slices.
Lunch: 2 tomatoes stuffed with a paste based on fish and white dietetic sauce, 1 serving of celery salad, 1 fresh fruit.
Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt with 4 or 5 dried plums previously hydrated.
Dinner: 1 grilled chicken breast with a salad of brown rice, carrot, boiled egg, 1 dietary gelatin.

List 7

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with infusion, 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 piece of low-fat cheese with firm paste.
Half Morning: 1 carrot.
Lunch: 1 serving of oriental rice noodles, 1 fresh fruit.
Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt with 1 handful of cereals without sugar.
Dinner: 1 portion of defatted beef with 1 salad of lettuce, tomato and onion, 1 fruit baked with 1 tablespoon of dietary cream.

List 8

Breakfast: 1 glass of skimmed milk with infusion, 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 piece of low-fat cheese with firm paste.
Half Morning: 2 pineapple slices.
Lunch: 1 serving of baked fish with 1 serving of mashed potato and squash, 1 dietary gelatin.
Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt with 4 or 5 dried plums previously hydrated.
Dinner: 2 servings of vegetable pizza, 1 cup of fruit salad.

Recommendations to have good results with this diet
Consume small portions the size of a small plate.
Do not skip any food.

This menu does not have to be rigid, it can serve as a reference for you to make the changes you want according to your preferences.

Keep in mind the list of foods rich in iodine for hypothyroidism and obesity. You will find them in this video that we have specially prepared.

Perform aerobic physical activity daily. For 40 to 50 minutes walk, ride a bike, go swimming. In hypothyroidism the metabolism is diminished, therefore, more time of aerobic physical exercise is needed.
Do physical work located 2 or 3 times a week.
Take two liters of water daily.

What is hyperthyroidism?

It is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. The condition is often called "overactive thyroid." Hyperthyroidism can significantly accelerate metabolism, causing sudden weight loss, irregular or accelerated heartbeat, sweating and nervousness or irritability.

What is the cause of hyperthyroidism?


The most frequent cause (in more than 70% of people) is the overproduction of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. This condition is also known as Graves' disease. Graves disease is caused by antibodies in the blood, which stimulate the thyroid gland to grow and secrete excess thyroid hormone. This type of hyperthyroidism tends to occur in families, and is more frequent in young women. Very little is known why some people acquire this disease.

Another type of hyperthyroidism is characterized by one or more bulges in the thyroid that can grow gradually and increase their activity, so that the amount of thyroid hormone released in the blood is higher than normal. This condition is known as nodular or multinodular toxic goiter.

Also, people may have temporary symptoms of hyperthyroidism if they have a condition called thyroiditis. This is caused by a problem with the immune system or a viral infection that causes the gland to release thyroid hormone. It can also be caused by ingesting too much thyroid hormone in the form of tablets.

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

Thyroid hormone generally controls the rhythm of all the processes in the body. This rhythm is known as your metabolism. If there is too much thyroid hormone, all body function tends to accelerate. Therefore, it is not surprising that the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are nervousness, irritability, increased sweating, palpitations, trembling hands, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, thinning of the skin, thin and brittle hair, and muscle weakness; especially in the arms and thighs. You may have more frequent defecation, but diarrhea is rare. You can lose weight despite having a good appetite and, in the case of women, menstrual flow can become lighter and menstrual periods occur less frequently.

Hyperthyroidism usually begins slowly. At first the symptoms can be confused with simple nervousness due to stress. If you have been trying to lose weight through diets, you may be pleased with the results until hyperthyroidism, which has accelerated weight loss, causes other problems.

In Graves' disease, which is the most common form of hyperthyroidism, the eyes may look large because the upper eyelids are raised. Sometimes, one or both eyes can protrude. Some patients have inflammation in the anterior part of the neck due to an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter).

Hyperthyroidism diet

foods that will not activate the activity of the thyroid gland. This includes foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and meat. Foods high in protein are best for hyperthyroidism. It is advisable to eat raw vegetables and fruits instead of cooked and processed foods. This is because when food is cooked, some nutrients are removed by heat.

  • Cruciferous vegetables: like cabbage, broccoli and kale. They contain goitrogens that block the production of thyroid hormone. They have to be raw or undercooked (steamed or blanched). Millet, the whole grain, is very rich in goitrogens too.

  • Foods rich in calcium: such as almonds, parsley or fresh turnip. Prevents osteoporosis, very common in cases of hyperthyroidism.

  • Some root vegetables: such as rutabagas or turnips contain substances called thioglucosides that inhibit the absorption of iodine and help people with overactive thyroid.

  • Flax seeds: for their content in Omega 3 fatty acids. They are important for the normal functioning of the thyroid and therefore must be included in the diet for hyperthyroidism. Grind them just before taking them to preserve all their benefits.

  • Melissa: This herb helps to normalize the overactivity of the thyroid. Melissa blocks the activity of antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland and restores thyroid activity to a healthy level.

  • The herb ajuga: reduces the amount of hormone produced by the thyroid gland. Pour boiling water into a cup with half a teaspoon of ajuga and let stand for two minutes. Strain and drink hot.

Foods to avoid in hyperthyroidism

If the thyroid gland is overactive, you need foods that decrease the activity of the gland. Avoid eating foods that excite the thyroid gland. Any drink with caffeine should be avoided. This can be very dangerous for the gland. There has been evidence that soy products are also harmful to too active a thyroid. Foods with high amounts of iodine should also be avoided

  • Algae in excess: We can find hiziki, wakame, arame, kombu and others. They are very healthy due to minerals, but they also contain iodine. A lot of iodine can make hyperthyroidism worse. That is why iodized sea salt should also be avoided.

  • Transgenic fats or hydrogenated vegetable oil found in industrial foods such as cookies, crackers, donuts, margarines ... Avoiding them will reduce symptoms.

  • Potential allergens: such as dairy products, soybeans, corn and chemical additives.

  • Sugar, caffeine and refined carbohydrates, just like with hypothyroidism.

Diet for hyperthyroidism

Day 1

Bowl of whole grain cereals with skimmed yogurt

Chamomile infusion
2-3 Integral cookies

Baked chicken curry
Salad with cucumber, cabbage and tomato

Apple and carrot smoothie

Broccoli and potato cream
Spinach Tortilla
Carpaccio of kiwi with yogurt sauce

Day 2

Whole-grain toast with fresh cheese and blueberry jam

Infusion of green tea
1 banana or banana

Lean meat and vegetable skewers
Cabbage salad with tomato

2 tangerines

Roasted turkey breast with garlic and parsley
1 serving of brown rice
Nonfat yogurt

Day 3

Integral slice with tomato, oil and serrano ham
Orange juice

Infusion of pennyroyal-mint
Nonfat yogurt

Spring mackerel (see recipe below)
Salad of potato, cabbage, tomato, and peas
Nonfat yogurt

Fruit salad

Cream of broccoli
A bunch of grapes

Day 4

Minibocadillo integral of low fat cheese
Orange juice

Chamomile infusion
2-3 whole-grain crackers

Rabbit with thyme rice and pine nuts
Baked apple

1 slice of natural pineapple

Borage soup
Sardines with garlic and parsley in the oven
Cherry mousse (see recipe below)

Day 5

Oatmeal flakes with skimmed yogurt
Pear and kiwi juice

Cottage cheese with applesauce

Veal with vegetables to the gardener (including cabbage)
Macedonia seasonal fruit with natural orange juice

1 pear

Stuffed artichokes
Chicken breast with tomato sauce
1 banana or banana

Day 6

Bowl of skimmed milk with whole grains
2 tangerines

Curd with 3 dates

Stewed chard with potatoes
Natural pineapple

Banana smoothie with skimmed milk

Minestrone soup
Roasted turkey breast with green salad (including cabbage)
Kiwi carpaccio

Day 7

Whole toast with fresh cheese and light jam
Orange juice

4 whole-grain crackers

Carpaccio of avocado and papaya
Mango cream

Pumpkin cream
Stewed spinach and poached egg
Non-fat yogurt

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