Not only handing out food to the "Homeless" We are connectINg with our brothers for a higher purpose!

When it comes to street love... Get into the root!


I really INjoy to see everyone truly connecting, listening to each other, hugging, getting to know what they call "homeless", and converting that label into "self".

We are all one here, "they" are not "less", more, poor, ugly, dirty... they are our reflections, US screamINg for guidance, so many out there are veterans, artists, and lovers of all kinds! Why are they on the streets? Some yes by choice, however majority seems just trapped under fear, lack of documents, shame, addictions, and the list goes on... Different perspectives, beINgs, in need of individual attention and love!

Our street "stars" can STARt a new cycle at anytime like ALL of us, sometimes we need a push, a wakeup call, a referral, a sign, a song, life is changINg every second and, yes we are all part of this miracle.


Do you have fears? Can you imagine how many traumas our brothers needs to overcome?

I would love to see more of us handing out "good" food for the soul, not just can food... Less quantity more quality! Why only the "bartender" deserves that extra love? Why do we "need" topshelf? Is it time for an ego or reality check?

Have you heard that story in regards people that need to "relax" after work? "They often say "I deserve it", I MUST have a drink and we all know about the next day... How about yoga? Breathing? Take a walk? What really means to relax? How much you been truly spending on that relaxing drink over the months? Is the Alcohol industry in need of support? Does Alcohol promotes good health? Who is it really benefiting from that investment?

The Pope poops in a Gold Toilet seat... and our people eat aluminum all they long. Do you see a discrepancy?

Our dollars are powerful tools, we must INvest wisely and balance our sources! Let's support farmers, artists, local business, our kids, nature and shift this reality ASAP!

Can't afford to share food? All good there is so much we can do and it's much needed besides that, the possibilities are unlimited and it can be FREE too!

For a transformation to really happen, it takes us getting to know our people, ourselves, the tools around us, like food banks, farms, and YES connect the dots. I am simply sharing some perspectives, all it's been stirring inside for a while and now eruptINg on divine time for all to hear. I don't mean to offend anyone, I am open to comments, and yes it feels good to express it.

Did you know that there are nonprofits that act as rehab centers? Some have gardens and offer many opportunities for people to re-start a new life style! How about checking for a community that is accepting people for work trade? Shelters?

Our "homeless" brothers can make use of some Networking, information, a phone call, and any kind of attention in general. So please ask questions, check where they are at, some are ready to step up, some not... and it's ok! To truly LOVE is to ACCEPT!

It's not just about that "plate of food"... Our planet is sick because US human beings are sick and trashINg our birthday cake. We are all crew in this ship, so let's vibe tribe like and organically. We are an eternal song, an UNIverse and extension of every root in the planet Earth!

I don't blame the government's', parents or anyone for what is happening out there, it's to big! It's OUR planet, land and full responsibility to clean this mess! Sincerely won't happen in a mass, or with prayers, blaming, complaining, or by handing canned food... That S... ain't serving! Said my brother Bear and yes I am so aware, and awake to spare!

At this time we need a sustainable plan, that includes planting, holding hands, building communities, supporting permaculture, investing in education and natural sources!

As a matter fact, every week I receive large amounts of FREE food to use for donations, sincerely not even 70% of those products I would even eat, it's incredible the amounts of cans... No trashing however the best we can do with all the junk food, it's to COMPOST, I personally can't really hand it to our people and definitely trash it isn't a good choice either.

The Vortex "trash pile" in the center of the Pacific currently it's estimated to be 6 times the size of the state of California, just in case you don't have an update in a while... No blaming simply screamINg for more food trails, less food banks, less cans and GMO! Composting it's another big topic and grand solutiON, simply giving a quick note in regards here.


Above... Us being ourselves and juicing that love!

EVERYTHING is connected and has an effect over ALL as we are ONE!

I believe that food gardens opens great opportunities, generates constant abundance for all of us feel provided, we heal by being in nature and as well our planet! Let's take this subject OUTSIDE, down to eARTh and simply rebirth a new eARTh! Plant people plant!

Let the heroes to come out and be BE the news we want to see TODAY! And so it's!

Thank you for reading it, supporting and commenting. I am open to hear your feedback, suggestions and love!

I am another you,


Daniela MegaLove

Here is our site, help us to keep on flowINg the love everywhere!


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