Ways to get cancer without you realizing it

Hello everyone. Now it seems that everything we consume causes cancer, with each product that goes on sale a new study to find out if it causes cancer, that is understood especially when you realize that cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world.

I will not tell you what to do and what not to do with your life, but beware there is a high possibility that you will get cancer, in the end everyone is free to eat any product or do what they want with their body, but perhaps this post will help you change certain habits or improve your diet.

These are the ways to get cancer without you noticing:

Processed meats

A panel of 22 scientists from the international agency for cancer research declared processed meat as carcinogenic. That was the news over there for 2015, I do not know if you have understood but eating hamburgers and sausages can cause cancer, just look in your browser "processed meats and cancer" I'm sure you will spend weeks reading about it and while more read and discover you will convince yourself to leave the sausages or at least reduce them considerately.

If I can recommend something, it would be that you go down slowly to the consumption of processed meats and replace them with healthier foods, your body will thank you very much.



A statement that could even be heard stupid is that sunscreens cause skin cancer, although this cream is used specifically to protect against ultraviolet rays, if your skin receives too much these rays can be damaged and eventually the appearance of cancer of skin will only be a matter of time.

If sunscreens protect you from ultraviolet rays then where is the problem? In 2012 a group called Environmetal Working Group (EWG) made a kind of guide of sunscreens, first to verify its effectiveness and second to see the effects of the toxic substances with which they were manufactured and the results are not encouraging , not to make the long story it was concluded that only 25% of sunscreens protect from ultraviolet rays without toxic that accelerate the development of cancer cells in your skin. Among those toxic additives I can name you "retinol palmitate", one of the forms of vitamin A that can increase the risk of cancer when applied to skin exposed to the sun and that is certainly in about 50% of the sun creams



As well as meat there are other foods related to the appearance of cancer, and among them we find refined sugar. Researchers at the University of California have shown that refined sugar represents a high risk to health, what do you think if I tell you that sugar can be as toxic as alcohol and tobacco? Several studies have shown that frequent consumption of sugar is the cause of more than 35 million deaths worldwide every year, obviously not all have been caused by cancer, what is clear is that there is a very strong relationship between the development of cancer and cancer. consumption of sugar and the situation is worrisome when you realize that most of the products we consume carry sugar, even the products that tell you that they do not carry sugar usually carry an additive called "corn syrup" that serves to sweeten the food, that corn syrup is almost equal or more toxic than sugar so do not save yourself, but do not worry, as long as you try to reduce sugar consumption you'll be fine.

The World Health Organization recommends consuming about 25 grams of sugar a day, if you do not know how many are 25 grams as a reference measure think about a can of Coca-Cola, if you already had one with your lunch you should know that you have already consumed 35 grams of sugar and that without counting the cookies or sweets that you will consume in the next few hours consuming at least 60 grams of sugar, in that case you should at least make the attempt to stay out of the recommended range.

Now you understand why there are so many people with diabetes and in consequence with cancer? Sugar has great part of the blame is easier to consume it unless you know and at the same time so addictive.

Suffering from Insomnia and sleep apnea


It seems that now it is more common than ever to have sleep disorders, maybe it's the cell phone's fault or maybe it's just maybe it's our own fault. Every day more scientific studies warn of the dangerous relationship between sleep disorders and the risk of suffering cancer.

A study conducted by the University of Iceland says that men with sleep disorders have up to twice the risk of developing prostate cancer. If you feel that you suffer from insomnia, from sleep apnea or you feel that your internal clock tells you that you are awake at night and tells you to sleep during the day, then you should visit a doctor, so you can recover all those sleep disorders and reduce risks of getting sick from cancer because of not resting properly.

Normally it's hard for us to drop the cell phone when we go to sleep and that only makes the situation worse, suddenly one or two hours have passed without realizing it, in the end it only causes blood and brain deoxygenation, and consequently cancer, in that case Do everything possible to get off the cell phone early and rest the recommended hours.

Consuming processed meats or sugar may be bad, but it will also hurt you not to exercise or smoke, that is, even if you remove these foods you will not get rid of this disease, the risks are still there but many times it is in your hands to increase or decrease those risks.

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