Bringing Cisco Home

Bringing Cisco Home

Hello all. My name is Charlesynquette Duncan. My boyfriend, Casey Cain, and I planned a 6-month trip to Acapulco, Mexico. Two weeks into our trip, I found out I was pregnant. We decided to stay for the remainder of our trip, thinking we could leave to have our baby in the US. We did not foresee my doctor ordering me to bed-rest 4 months into our trip. Not only did this put us over our allowed time in Mexico, but we also had to deliver our beautiful baby boy, Cisco Ahimsa (born August 14th), here in Acapulco instead of in Florida.

Since we are outside of the country, I was not able to use my insurance, and since we did not know we were going to be pregnant for our trip, we did not plan for hospital bills. Now we are stuck in Mexico until we can pay the hospital bills. We are also running dangerously low on the money we had saved for food, diapers, and insulin (Casey is diabetic).

We want to get home to our families, especially since we have Cisco now. We are asking for $6500 USD to help pay for the hospital bills as well as insulin and our flight back to Florida. We are running out of time. I have attached a link to our GoFundMe page and we will also accept any crypto donations (addresses down below) if this is an easier alternative to USD. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


BITCOIN CASH - qz2llen5cqp63guukdrrzk66m2xa4m7hxu6v46pqav


DASH - XyjG15MPfrDjFHbjhZZkd4ZmwA7NxfWUWW

ZCASH - t1JdTMbbaTUrogiWMBFKTS27b32UgzdnRX4

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