Meat consumption Kills your body, tortures the animals and devastates the environment!

Meat consumption strangles our hearts, animals and the environment.

Time to write a little Easter message about meat consumption and how it affects our planet and bodies. I myself is a vegan since a few years, so I know that it is hard to avoid all dairy products like sauce etc, but trying is better than nothing :)

I feel obligated to do this writing since I've stumbled upon many posts promoting meat consumption in 2018 and even here on steemit, it saddens me deeply to see and goes against all logical reasoning and even basic humanity. They are all fighting to manipulate them self´s into beveling meat is good for them and the world. This disconnects them self´s from the suffering and the starvation it causes . This is only the mainstream media speaking, lobbyists having their way due to our greed and resistance to take responsibility. We ignore the planet, the animals, starving humans and even our own bodies!



How can we love one type of animal, dogs, and torture / eat an equally emotional and intelligent creature ?

Why are more humans becoming vegans? I can give you my version, but inform your self´s and see why many come to this decision on your own. There are many good documentaries out there that are eye opening. My view on meat consumption will be clear after reading this intro post and the following three parts.

I would like to mention a common misconception right now, vitamin B 12 is not produced by plants so we think meat solves this, butt cattle/animals does NOT produces it , only their gut bacteria.

The problem with B12 comes from the fact that we absorb very little of it in the intestinal tract. Besides B12, which is somewhat under debate, we need nothing but our bacteria and to deliver safe nutrients to them, like complex carbohydrate sources and seeds that take a long while to digest. This will make sure that the nutrition actually makes it to our large intestinal tracts. This goes for Essential amino acids as well, which are produced in many different pathways by the microbial spices in our gut as long as we feed them and keep them healthy, STOP EATING ANTIBIOTICS IN THE FOOD! But more on this later.

It has been known for decades that intestinal bacteria make important contributions to human metabolism and physiology. Perhaps the example best known to clinicians is the microbial synthesis of the essential nutrient vitamin B12 — the enzymes required for B12 synthesis are possessed by bacteria but not by plants or animals

Another miss conception is that we need protein in amounts of 20% of our diet, which is sick for our body.
Just imagine how much muscle an elephant grows from eating grass? all that muscle from grass?



Nothing saddens me more then the killing of the most beautiful, majestic, loving creatures, for money will buy life back, neither will it save your conscience!!

It's the bacteria that de novo synthesizes all we need, meaning synthesizes from scratch, no pre requirements, just healthy vegetables, berries and seeds. The human baby never exceeded 6% protein while breastfeeding, this is just dangerous, and guess what? Babies grow fast :) both muscle, bone and complex tissue is produced rapidly. STOP forcing proteins into your bodies, there are many mechanism just being discovered that points to direct dangers and links to amyloid diseases. Especially now that animals suffer more the ever and protein compositions change as a consequence, the proteome is sick or depressed rather.

Good documentaries on problems with meat consumption and animal suffering

Earthlings (2005)Hurt full to watch, even worse supporting the industry KNOWINGLY, so please have a look



Forks over Knives (2011)Great work with facts on meat linked Diseases, see for yourself- Netflix

Live and Let Live (2013)Even athletes turn vegan! Beautiful documentary - Netflix

The later two is available on netflix, so I chose them for availability and production quality, enjoy!

There are many many more, do not hesitate to comment if you need more guidance on nutrition or fact sources.

How can we sit by and watch while billions starve simultaneously as many consume themselves to death via obesity and cardiovascular disease?

How can we let 90% of the energy go to waste, it makes no sense whatsoever to let food become 90% heat and 10% meat, when humans all over earth needs it.

How can we let Amazonas be destroyed, Brazilians live in poverty and starvation, while the meat that is being raised in the rainforest is exported to obese over consuming Americans due to capital interests? Just HOW can anyone support this sick industry which is based on massive suffering, poisoning and destruction of animals, landscapes and humans.

Meat is not even healthy, especially after the constant suffering the animals endure as well as being subjected to heavy doses antibiotics and environmental toxins.

You might think: How does suffering change the composition of meat ?

Well it does! I was involved in a study on depressed patients where we measured protein levels in cells and compared the results to non depressed patients. The results were very clear, many protein levels where increased up to 10 x fold.
A typical protein we saw up regulated in every patient was HSP 10, heat shock protein 10, which now has been declared to be a biomarker for wide types of cancer!

We are the proteins in our cells, so when the proteins levels change in our cells so does our entire physiology and psychology, and now we are eating loads of meat, FULL of e.g. HSP 10, thinking that we can digest it in our stomach prior to interactions ?

Well much of the meat of lower quality makes it through our stomach like nothing, carries intact cell mass to our intestinal tract where the HPS 10 will be hard to degrade, and might as well leave shorter peptides with amyloid properties, accelerating amyloid diseases. Glyphosate and other pesticides along with antibiotics are eaten by the animals constantly and the meat often get chemical treatments, but still carries accepted levels bacteria. I've worked on one of Europe's biggest analytical companies, trust me I know!

All of this enters our intestinal tract, disturbing our bacterial flora, and by so, making it hard to produce essential amino acids(EAA´s). When this happens along with immune responses to the different problems that follows, large amounts of EAA´s are used by our immune system! This leaves deficiencies leading to hormonal deficiency and depression!

Yeah bacteria in our gut make essential amino acids... making them hrm... NOT ESSENTIAL!

The shikimate pathway (shikimic acid pathway) is a seven step metabolic route used by bacteria, fungi, algae, some protozoan parasites and plants for the biosynthesis of folates and aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan)
The reactions are catalyzed by shikimate kinase (AroK, AroL), EPSP synthase (AroA), chorismate synthetase (AroC), bifunctional chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydratase (PheA) and aromatic amino acid aminotransferase (TyrB).


All we need is glucose, from complex carbohydrate sources or they will never reach our intestinal tract, along with a healthy gut microbe environment.

I will post three part in the coming weeks, hoping to inspire at least some to question meat consumption and the industry as a whole.

1 - Environmental effects: Starvation, deforestation, land destruction, pollution of land, air and water.

2 - Health effects: Meat contains bad fats, bacteria, glyphosate, antibiotic and unhealthy protein compositions.

3 - Animal suffering & rights: Endless suffering of living things makes us suffer as well ?

Save yourself and the planet, do not eat suffering animals or products made by/from them.
I even read a post about how the Buddha did not forbid meat consumption, well I can promise you that he would in 2018 out of a multitude of reasons, to obvious the even state here...


Peace and love to all sentient beings.

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