How Refreshing it Can Be to Let Go

Sometimes cutting people & things out of your life is 10000% necessary. I've recently cut a person out that was toxic to the CORE.

They didn't particularly appreciate it, but had crossed my boundaries more than once so it had to be done.

Prior to that person, was another person with the same intentions towards me that just KEPT trying to get in when I said NO repeatedly.

If someone can't respect your boundaries, a hard NO is not only okay, but necessary & healthy.

I don't always advocate a scorched earth approach but it is needed at times.

Same concept applies to things & "obligations." If you know you can't keep up with it anymore, let it go. It's to your own detriment if you can't respect your own boundaries.

Keeping useless junk or unhealthy relationships alive is bad news. Don't be bad news. Just LET.IT.GO!

Don't fall into the trap of being worried that, oh you're letting someone down or hurting someone's feelings or that you should be able to manage this or that. If you can't, you can't. You shouldn't force it.

If someone else has a problem with it, it's their problem not yours. With that being said I wish you all a happy night and good Monday ahead.

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