May You Find Healing Here - Mother Aya Wellness - April Retreat in Acapulco, Mexico - @maceytomlin

Last September I had my first experiences with south American plant medicines Washuma (San Pedro), and Ayahuasca at a yoga retreat in Peru. My entire life was transformed. I was shown the source of my pain, the source of my anger, and I was given the chance to rewrite the story. I came home a new and evolving person. I began to move through life differently. I am still integrating the lessons I learned during that experience, but I am nearing the time where I hope to participate in such a retreat again.


The perfect next-retreat is actually being planned by a Dear Friend, someone who was in Peru with me, someone who had a front row seat to my transformation. Macey Tomlin is an apprentice to Shamanism, and someone I love Dearly. Check out what she has in store for you:

Kambo ceremony held by former ER physician, Dr. Alex Pardhy
Morning yoga
Massage therapy
Sound therapy
Sweat Lodge
2 ceremonies with Mother Nature's medicine - held by my dear and trusted friend.
Integration workshops
Releasing baby sea turtles into the ocean

The retreat will be held outside of Acapulco Mexico in a beautiful retreat center. I am talking PARADISE.

I wish I could attend her retreat in April, but unfortunately will be just returning to Texas.

I want to tell you a little about kambo, because I participated in a kambo ceremony by Dr. Pardhy at Anarchapulco and it made a huge impact on me - I am taking this text from an email I sent the event organizers giving my review:

The Kambo ceremony seems to have been the final push I needed to finally detox the brown recluse venom that has been haunting my body (on the 2 year anniversary of the bite, no less). Since the kambo ceremony my chronic back pain went through the process of slowly leaving.... and suddenly, two days ago, was gone. Here I am experiencing multiple days in a row without pain for the first time in over a YEAR. That spider had triggered massive inflammation in my body and despite all the efforts I had taken to eat clean, supplement, detox, move, meditate, sunshine, etc... I could not get my inflammation to completely rest... And now, for the 3rd day in a row I am waking up feeling better than normal. I have also lost most of the spider bite weight I had gained. I started losing weight the day after the kambo ceremony and it hasn't stopped. I am leaving most of the clothes I came here with because they are now too big. Its pretty amazing. Thank you for offering Kambo, it has transformed me from the inside out. I now desire to become a practitioner and bring this medicine to others.

There are only 6 seats left, if you are interested in participating in such a healing journey, you can reach out to Macey here:

Or, you can read her original post here:

I promise you, it will be worth the trip to Mexico. Your mind, body and soul will thank you <3

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