Water - What I Drink

Hello my Aqua-Steemians,

Here is a video on Dr. Morse's opinion on what water is best.

(my distiller, roughly $200-$250)

Me personally, I have been distilling my water for about a year now. If I can't drink my distilled water, I resort to bottled spring water(plastic..sigh). Reason is, as I was waking up, it hit me really hard one day.."Why the F is the government putting fluoride in my drinking water." It freaked me out that I hadn't thought too much into it before. Then going online there are all these theories about the harm of fluoride and the reasons why it's in the water. My opinion, the government putting fluoride in our water for "health" and "dental health" is such BS. Because now, those chemicals are in my shower water and tap water, which we use to water our plants. The unavoidable nature of this tempered water shows me the intentions have to go a bit deeper.

Overall, I distill my water because now I have the freedom over what water I drink. First, the government has no right to put neuro toxic chemicals, like fluoride, or chlorine, in the water system. That is an anti-thesis of freedom. We as life forms are made of mostly water, it's sacred! No way a controlling body should dictate what happens to MY water..OUR water. There should be a vote, or they should personally consult me. Secondly, there are now so many contaminants and pollution runoff in the water (think microplastic beads for example) that tap water simply isn't healthy for consumption. Distilling does a good job at eliminating a lot of these chemicals and contaminants.

Another thought, if you think what happened in Flint Michigan is an isolated case, I strongly suggest we think again. I'm sure it's happening everywhere. I'm sure water pipe infrastructure is very outdated. Living in Montreal for several years, we had more than one "public water scare." We as people need to start putting more conscious effort and thought into topics such as the water system.

Climate change is one thing. But pollution, especially water pollution, is another, and to me this is more important. One day I hope to own my own spring fed water supply. My property, my water, my rules.

Lots of love,
Captain Pearson - Shuǐ zhànshì

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