Day of Detox

Hello Beautiful Souls,

Cleaning and strengthening. Those are the key words when it comes to regenerative detoxification. On the physical level, cleaning infers moving lymph fluid, filtering it through the kidneys, as well as moving digestive waste/mucoid plaque through the bowels. We do this by giving the body the appropriate alkaline chemistry to allow the body to be in its natural state, which itself is a state of constant healing.

Look at how vibrant, electric, and alive that juice looks. It contains carrots, celery, beets, kale, lemon, lime, parsley, dandelion greens, ginger, tumeric, burdock root, and finally some cornsilk stirred.

We strengthen, not only as a byproduct of cleaning, but by improving the integrity of glands and tissues. Herbs are a great way to accomplish this. Botanicals' chemistry and consciousness target specific glands and tissues to help restore tissues from genetic and karmic weaknesses. The best way to start is to get on a herbal protocol addressing the kidneys, the lymph system, the bowels, and the endocrine glands. Throw in a adrenal tonic if you want, and it never hurts to de-worm/funal/parastite yourself as well.
Here is Dr. Robert Morse website. Use his formulas or use his library to make your own concoctions.
I finished the day with watermelon juice. So fresh, soooo yummy, so powerful.
Overall, have fun and be creative. Be yourself and enjoy the many options out there. Understand that we all would benefit TREMENDOUSLY by learning about regenerative detoxification, reconnecting with our natural homeostasis, and allowing our energies to move obstruction free.

All the best,

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