My Weightloss Journey: Week 2 down

This week has been another good one, I have achieved goals that I never thought I would be able to achieve. I have overcome obstacles like being able to walk a mile without being in crazy pain. Wednesday was that day for me, I was able to do 1.26 miles in 22 minutes and it wasn’t terrible. I wasn’t completely winded and I was still able to get up and move around without being like ow ow. Thursday, I increased my mileage. I am going to slowly increase each Thursday. This week it was half a mile more. It may not be a lot but it keeps my legs progressing without being used to the same thing. My goal is to be starting to push me five miles by week nine. I am hoping that walking will help my weight loss. I would like to lose a minimum of forty pounds by week nine but if I have a chance to lose sixty I am going to take it. This walking and watching how much I eat will hopefully help me to become healthier and happier.

This week, I was able to walk almost three miles on one day, it makes me proud that I was able to do it without stopping. I did a mile and a half straight. This would push me to make a push to do two miles on Friday. Some say that I should not push that far but I started at one mile might as well increase my walking by a mile.

So, peeps, I walked a grand total of 4.48 miles on Friday. I walked 2.0 miles that morning but then in the afternoon, I walk 2.48 miles. That is only the exercise walking it does not count for the extra normal walking I do with that added in I have walked.....5.68 miles just on Friday from 5 am till one o’clock. That does not include the rest of the day. I know you may be thinking so what but for me this is a very big accomplishment seeing as just like 2 weeks ago I could barely do a mile without getting winded and being in agonizing pain. It is amazing what can change in 2 weeks. Thanks to my family for supporting me on this journey. I can't imagine doing this without you guys. I hope at the end of the month all my hard work starts to show.

At the end of Friday, I was able to walk a total of 6.78 miles. It felt amazing and I am looking forward to continuing. Saturday, was a laid back day but I still walked around and mowed. Then Sunday was my break day. Then today walk one was a great one the only problem is my shoes are not the best because I believe I have a good size blister on my foot, it hurts but still powered through.

At this moment, I have realized my eating habits are pretty bad. I know I brought them up last week but it is worse than I first realized. I cut fast food, which is hard for me because I like my taco bell but even cutting them out I still stress eat or eat too much in one sitting. I really should be on 1800 calorie intake a day but so far I’ve not been successful at taking it down. I am not going to give up but I have to find a way to stop stress eating and overeating.

I will say even though I am overeating it’s not unhealthy food. My mom is a vegetarian so I eat a lot of vegetables and healthy food. But I also eat a good amount of carbs that’s because carbs taste amazing. What I have decided to do about overeating is try not to but if I do I just have to work extra hard after. Like either do an extra walk or exercises. I could use an extra mile to two miles a day. It will help push my body and I will say if I walk I don’t feel as hungry but later on, I start to feel hungry. People say well it's not that hard to cut back on eating. They say this and don’t consider I have been eating this way since I was like twelve. I have always liked the food and its not even because its food it’s because it tastes good and I like to taste different types of food plus I have foods that I love that I am not willing to give up.

One of my favorite meals is my mom’s homemade macaroni and cheese. I love it. I have loved it since they first met and she made it for us. It is filled with a good amount of carbs but I am not and will not give that up. If it comes down to losing weight or not eating her mac and cheese, well I guess I am just going to stay fat because I will always eat mac and cheese. Like I said I will just have to try and work harder at working my body so that it can handle a higher calorie intake. Instead of lowering my calorie intake I am just going to up my exercise.

As always guys I thank you for reading this and upvoting. I hope you continue to follow my journey and be able to celebrate my success. If you are doing this journey as well please let me know so that I can read about your journey as well.

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