My World Through My Lens - Jan. 23, 2018

Google Photos was kind enough to remind me that two years ago on this day, I had yet-another interesting barbecue with some friends. We had driven to the outskirts of Islamabad to reach a friend's under-construction house, with the view offering an open field (with one or two houses here and there) and plenty of fresh air. Good weather all in all, despite the cold.


What we missed in our plan was our lack of a grill, so, naturally, we improvised.


It took the fish long enough to get cooked enough for us to eat - long enough that the sun had almost set. And man, were there crows!!!


Google Photos' Rediscover this day is a feature that I really enjoy for this very reason - bringing back old memories when you'd almost forgotten about them. And since I have almost my entire photo library up there, I have a lot to rediscover.

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