When will Americans learn

To stay out of nations that do not believe the same way that we do?    Go to Abu Dhabi with your fiance and you can literally be imprisoned for having premarital sex with her/him.  Many other middle eastern nations you can be jailed for the Facebook post you made 3 years ago about Mohammed.  North Korea, you can be imprisoned for simply being there, they'll make stuff up, if they have to.  China, same thing......They're opposed to individual rights!!

Me, I'm staying in America, for all of her faults, I don't have to worry about saying bad things about the President, I don't have to worry about whether or not I believe the holocaust happened.(See even in allied nations, if you don't have a proper belief about something, you can be jailed)  

If you DO decide to enter a nation with differing politics or even hostile organizations, like ISIS, you're taking your life and freedom into your own hands.  Do so at your own risk.

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