Fish oils & supressing fats...

Oils or fats are lipid, “anti-inflammatory”... sure, they can bring you temporary / short term relief, as oils/fats suppress inflammation, (which feels good) however, it does not heal the “root cause” as to WHY that inflammation is present & temporary relief - always comes with a price - cause & effect... oils & fats create their own set of issues overtime from the coating of the intestinal walls, to creating malabsorption issues, blocking cellular absorption, etc... it’s not a good idea to rely on oils/fats for temporary relief imo ....

Here’s a post I picked up from Graham Garioch ...Ty🌞

“Anti-inflammatory” hype is out of control. Most people in the natural health field have been duped by this marketing mantra and are praising this and that natural food or herb as “anti-inflammatory.” This is a mistake of ignorance and a seriously misleading one.

No—you don't need fatty fish, turmeric, DHA or green tea to heal IBD. Inflammation is not your enemy!

Inflammation is the body’s correct, intelligent physiological response enacted to protect itself from poisons. It is vigorous self-healing action intelligently conducted by the body. Inflammation is the always correct, intelligent action of the body’s defense system enacted in response to a toxic threat in order to protect its vital domain.

When injured or invaded by toxic matter, gases or microorganisms, or when a buildup of internal toxic debris, fluids and/or microorganisms (commonly called an “infection”) reaches a crucial level, the body enacts the health-restorative purification process called “inflammation.” More simply put, in cases when there are life-threatening levels of toxicosis, the body enacts inflammation in order to purify the tissues.”

(Part of an email health tip by David Klein).

#Mariah 🍓 Heal Thy Self
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