Japan - why did you move/settle here?

Just like fashion and music, the travel industry goes through cycles and trends, and I guess today Japan is certainly trendy. Ramen shops are the thing in NYC (well they're popping up everywhere), how to make sushi at home recipe books litter the Internet and bookstores, and of course, anime, vocaloid and manga are firmly entrenched in teenage and young adult culture.

But when I moved here in 2001, for what was supposed to be an 18-month working holiday adventure, the reason was not so clear. I wasn't into manga, anime, martial arts or calligraphy. I knew nothing of the languge, the culture and had only skimmed through a few pages of Japanese history in my parent's Britannica.

I honestly can't really say why I decided to come here - perhaps it was the World Cup of 2002, the bleak job prospects facing uni graduates in Melbourne at that time, or the whole-hearted recommendation of a high school buddy. Whatever the reason(s), my decision was greeted with surprise, disagreement and even disgust. "What do you wanna go there for?"

But now, only 16 years later, if someone tells of their desire to move to Japan, they're probably told, "Wow, that's cool" or "Sounds great". I guess my question is simple, what's changed?

Is it information; are people now so informed about Japan (and the world in general) that moving here isn't such a big step anymore? Is it education? Japanese language classes appear to be offered in far more schools and education systems than in my high school days. Is it just a trend? Who knows?


Peace and tranquility, important in many aspects of Japanese life - nature, cultural pursuits, even cuisine. (Japan Sea in autumn)

That said, I certainly know why I'm still here. There are the obvious and most powerful candidates, those being family, friends and employment. Then comes the peaceful, drug-free society in which Japanese people co-exist, especially outside of major cities. Finally, the cultural aspects including art, music, cuisine and history.

So for all you Steemians out there who lived in Japan at some stage or live here now, please comment on what brought you here and what kept or still keeps you here.


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