
Globalists are insane to literally divide America into two separate countries, nations, prompting a third world war. You must decide which side you're on. You have no time to wait. Pick who's team you're on.

New Country

They've said they'll concede and elect their own President of the Leftist States of America (LSA). They will lose in November of 2020, both the electoral votes and the popular vote, just like in 2016. The popular votes were stolen in 2016 from Trump and given to Hillary Clinton. They're trying to fabricate over 100 million illegal fake fake votes against Trump in 2020. They're trying many different things at the same time. When they lose, they say, already, that they will concede. That's the plan if they're not able to cheat their way to victory, they'll concede. They've said that. You can read it inside articles, etc.

Not a Secret

It's a trap, a win-win situation in their minds, long term speaking, to divide and conquer. They've tried before, a century ago in America. They've done it in other countries. It's long-term strategy. Don't get distracted by the pawns. Look at the generals at the top of the pyramid. They broadcast their whitepapers, their plans, in books, etc, for centuries. They're constantly letting us know what they're doing. It's not a secret. They tell us. So, you can see it and you can show your friends what they said and what they're doing. You can show people what their plans are. They want you to know what they're doing. Subway. Apples. Mote. Mud.

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2020-08-25 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-08-25 - Tuesday
Published in August of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-08-25 23:42:59.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey

Banned Media

10:18 PM - Breaking! Hillary and Nancy Announce Offical Plans To Contest Election and Fracture Nation


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Vanity Fair

12:37 AM - Rob Paulsen (Animaniacs) Improvises 12 New Cartoon Voices | Vanity Fair

Reach the People

12:59 AM - Hive Blog

Will enough people also quit smoking and drinking? Unlikely. But Jesus went to the sinners where they are. Likewise, we can still go to where the people are sometimes just like Jesus went to the people.

Gardens & Spam

01:03 AM - Hive

I have gardens. I could show you photos of it. I may share some of it on my blog. But you will probably say that I am spamming your blog. It is not spam. But you can easily accuse me of spam. I talk to thousands of people. Sometimes, I don't have time to say a lot to just one person. Any celebrity would tell you that. There is value in planting our own food and in being off the grid. I talk about the value in having solar power and also Faraday cages. I talk to thousands of people because I believe in reaching out to people. Because I care about people.

Little Birds

2020-08-25 - Tuesday - 01:11 AM - 01:59 AM - Little Birds

Set in 1955.

Don't dottle.

Oatmeal High Council

01:58 AM - Telegram Group Chat

Kids are not taught to lie.

Humans are by nature not honest.

Lying is not the same as withholding info, privacy, the 4th amendment.

I believe in the 4th amendment which deals with privacy and not with deception, lying, tricking.

There are differences between the two, fundamentally within the realm of objective morality as opposed to subjectivity, relativity.

The ends justifies the means?

I believe in promoting free markets. But we don't have free markets.

Oatmeal High Council

10:55 AM - Telegram Group Chat

Kids are not taught to lie. Instead, kids choose to lie out of their freewill. Otherwise, you could blame it on their parents. However, I have 3 siblings and I can tell you that the four of us kids made different choices separate from what our parents and others taught us or did not teach us. My family is not the only example of this. Kids do good and bad regardless of how good or bad their parents and others around them were or were not. There is so much evidence. I should write books about all of this and hope those who already wrote books about these things don't sue me for copyright.

Real Oatmeal Joey

2020-08-25 - Tuesday - 12:21 PM - Facebook](https://facebook.com/realoatmealjoey

I go to my Real Oatmeal Joey Facebook account and I get a notice that it was disabled, terminated. So

Oatmeal High Council

12:29 PM - Telegram Group Chat

Nature or nurture, what do you think?

I understand everything you're saying. But ultimately speaking, what is the answer, nature or nurture?

That goes for everybody, what do you think, nature or nurture?

Is it either or neither or something else?

You're getting warmer.

I have the answer.

But I want to know what others think first.

Don't worry, I don't even have time to talk about and I won't even tell you that I've already said what the answer is as seen above, that would be a secret, a dark secret, and I'm not telling, I'm not sharing, and I would love to know what others think first.

Joy Villa

12:38 AM - My book! Order now!

Modern Wisdom

12:48 PM - Sargon Of Akkad - How YouTube Censors Content

Red Guy

01:02 PM - Alex Jones Show- First Hour - August 25, 2020

Globalists are insane to literally divide America into two separate countries, nations, prompting a third world war. You must decide which side you're on. You have no time to wait. Pick who's team you're on.

They've said they'll concede and elect their own President of the Leftist States of America (LSA). They will lose in November of 2020, both the electoral votes and the popular vote, just like in 2016. The popular votes were stolen in 2016 from Trump and given to Hillary Clinton. They're trying to fabricate over 100 million illegal fake fake votes against Trump in 2020. They're trying many different things at the same time. When they lose, they say, already, that they will concede. That's the plan if they're not able to cheat their way to victory, they'll concede. They've said that. You can read it inside articles, etc.

Red Guy

01:50 PM - Alex Jones Show - Second Hour - August 25, 2020

Long ago in newspapers, they said they must stop America. But then Germany started doing better. So, around 1913-1919 or around that time during WWI, they would say in the newspapers, instead, that we must stop Germany. It was in UK newspapers regarding the American system. And then they went onto focus on Germany and stopping their system instead because globalists are against free markets, nationalism, competition.

They're preparing their followers with their win-win plan regardless of the possible three scenarios of losing the popular vote, the electoral college, and/or winning thanks to voting meddling, suppression, fraud, etc.

It's a trap, a win-win situation in their minds, long term speaking, to divide and conquer. They've tried before, a century ago in America. They've done it in other countries. It's long-term strategy. Don't get distracted by the pawns. Look at the generals at the top of the pyramid. They broadcast their whitepapers, their plans, in books, etc, for centuries. They're constantly letting us know what they're doing. It's not a secret. They tell us. So, you can see it and you can show your friends what they said and what they're doing. You can show people what their plans are. They want you to know what they're doing.

Satanists are crawling out of their rat-holes to lead Antifa and other groups. Media promotes them.

Clownfish TV

03:10 PM - Power Rangers' RITA REPULSA Trends on Twitter Over POLITICS?!

I like what she said last night. She was talking about you and me.

The RNC was not boring. You missed out.

Rita turned good at the very end of Power Rangers in Space, in November of 1998, and that was the end of the series until they ended up continuing with Lost Galaxy after that. By the way, they even killed off Zordon at that time.

I love time travel, I disagree with you, I love time travel so much, I want to see that.

The White House

03:26 PM - President Trump Participates in a Naturalization Ceremony at the White House

Why not shake hands?

Stupid Covid Scam.

General Shepherd

03:32 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 08/25/20 3rd Hour

They sweep it under the rug until the rug becomes a mountain, the elephant in the room.

Chad Prather

Mark Dice

04:20 PM - Now It's Our Turn!

Fox News muted parts of the RNC on Monday night. Even Sean Hannity cut out of the speech Vernon Jones was giving. He is a black American. Hannity interrupted his speech by cutting away from the live coverage.

Is it nature or nurture?

Neither. Ultimately, freewill is what matters over nature and nurture. We are not animals. We don't only or merely make decisions based on nature or nurture alone. Those things influences us but at the end of the day, it comes down to individual responsibility, accountability for personal choices.
David Tyrrell @LamboLlama left group.

Gotta love those trees choosing door number 3 just like me. Love Lord of the Rings. "I'm on nobody's side because nobody is on my side," said the tree. Now, we're talking to trees. Oh, the insanity from the left.

Depends on what the debate is in regards to, specifically. For example, if the question is which plays a bigger role, then the answer is nurture over nature.

Potentially speaking, nurture can undo whatever nature did.

There are 3 levels to this, your will, the will of others (nurture), and how things (nature).

Suicide is simple. Ultimately a person chooses to end it. Nurture plays a secondary role. Nature is in third place.

It appears as if nature can have a bigger role, a heavier dominance, than that of nurture. But this is an illusion. Nurture has the potential of encouraging people over nature. But ultimately, people have to want it and seek after it.

Nature encourages people to reproduce and to live long enough to raise up the next generation. However, after that, there may be less purpose for living from a nature perspective.


@Maggy Fernandez you love the lockdown? bill gates and the UN says lockdown will never end... i want to go back to work and you do not?

Lionel Nation

05:02 PM - LiveStream: Truth Highlights Day Two of the 2020 Trump RNC Liberty and Truth Fête

RNC should not be online. There should be people in the crowd.

a video that could tell me where Hitler is so Hitler does not kill me

New Video: Hello Jews, they're going to put you in an oven

If they had YouTube: Hey folks, WWII is a scam. Don't fight. Defend your borders instead.

If there was YouTube in 1930's: Don't fight in foreign wars folks. Defend your country instead.

If there was YouTube in 1939, I'd make a video called: "Hitler is just a puppet of the globalists who are the real enemies."

@OvertheTarget, gotta get a metal Faraday cage trash can.


05:52 PM - Republican National Convention (Day 2)

Oatmeal High Council

09:30 PM - Telegram

My counter for them is simply that of irrational, I believe in freewill even if there isn't, like you said, even if people do fall in love as opposed to jumping into love, there is a perception of choice. My religion is that of freewill, even if there is none. Call me crazy but freewill motivates me, oh the irony to be motivated when I cannot make choices. But the illusion of freewill, assuming there is no freewill, makes me feel good. I want to feel good. So, I believe in freewill like a Christian believe in an imaginary god.

Poly, we're both right in this Nature vs Nurture vs Freewill debate. You're emphasizing on the generality of how things are, that it depends on the situation which is more dominant while I'm focused on the theoretical potential and possibility that nurture could overcome nature and freewill could hypothetically overcome nurture in this rock paper scissor game of life. I can say rock can crush the scissor. You might be saying that if Nature, Nurture, and Freewill were all playing rock, paper, scissors, with each other, you may not always know which one of them might win the game, depending on the individual, depending on the situation. You're simply emphasizing on the past, on how things are, the variables which shades how unpredictable life appears to be at times. But that partly comes down to the freewill of the individual. So, I might be focused more on the exception to the generality of how things are because I like pushing the envelope. I want to change how things are. I want to encourage people out of their victim mentality to become victors in life.


09:52 PM - First Lady Melania Trump full remarks at the 2020 Republican National Convention

There is treatment, vitamin C, zinc, etc.

Spam History

10:05 PM - Hive

Here is another spam comment. I upvoted and shared your post here. But this comment here is spam. I left you a spam comment. It is spam because you believe it is spam. I like history and cemeteries are time capsules of history. I love that. What I am saying is spam. If you were a fake account, I would still say all of this to a fake account. Because I want to. I will continue to spam. I like your post. So, I will spam your post with a spam upvote and a spam share and a spam comment. I am Spam Joey. Everything I do is spam. I will never stop spamming. And I love Logic.

Making Movies

10:11 PM - Hive Blog

Here is my spam comment. I want to say hello. I love sing, write, draw. Nice to meet you. @logic thinks I am spam. So, I am spam. Mister Logic is right. I am spam. I am also oatmeal. Welcome to Hive Blog. I upvoted (liked) and shared this post. I like meeting new people but this comment is spam. It is actually not spam but some people will say it is just like they say Trump is Satan. It is not true but people say what they want to say. I will continue to do what I do. I make movies too.


10:14 PM - Hive

You have cute cats. Reminds me of the cats we would have growing up.

Banned Media

10:18 PM - Breaking! Hillary and Nancy Announce Offical Plans To Contest Election and Fracture Nation

People got to vote, take pictures of their votes, pretend to be a democrat in order to help count the votes to make sure ballot boxes are not lost, etc, etc.

Viva Frei

10:41 PM - Too Many Coincidences: Is Millie Weaver's Prosecution POLITICAL? Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT

Joshie Bear

11:03 PM - 🚨Why Did Alex Cut Ties With Millie Weaver?

Don't be afraid to say their names. I will say their names.

I like what you're saying here. Millie was probably led astray down the wrong path.

Alex Jones didn't exactly say or just say things like Zack is the only Q. Alex was saying Zack would be a real Q as in not anonymous. It depends on which Qanon people you are talking about. Q was taken over it seems. There has been different people involved in Q on different levels these past several years. Alex has said many things about Q over the years including vital things on today's show of his, Tuesday, the 25th of August of 2020.

Wake Up

11:25 PM - INFOWARS THE ALEX JONES SHOW🌟08/25/2020🌟{{{WAKE UP}}}🌟

News Procket

11:27 PM - ⚔️🗽🔊 InfoWars Take Back America Hosted by Deanna Lorraine for Congress

Once upon a time, an evil king made all his slaves, I mean citizens in his imaginary kingdom, wear masks. They all had to wear masks or else. What a terrible king he was. Good thing that is is just a fictional story, right?

Quantum Dot

Screenshot at 2020-08-25 23:51:34 Quantum Dot.png

Trump Over Obama

11:59 PM - Hive

Obama is not very popular in America. Most people love Trump. But if you say that, Antifa will come in and burn down your store, so you better be quiet and say you hate Trump. SO, people are quiet because they don't want to be attacked.


Vanity Fair

12:37 AM - Rob Paulsen (Animaniacs) Improvises 12 New Cartoon Voices | Vanity Fair

Little Birds

2020-08-25 - Tuesday - 01:11 AM - 01:59 AM - Little Birds

Banned Media

01:31 AM - War Room August 24th, 2020

Joy Villa

12:38 AM - My book! Order now!

Modern Wisdom

12:48 PM - Sargon Of Akkad - How YouTube Censors Content

Red Guy

01:02 PM - Alex Jones Show- First Hour - August 25, 2020

Red Guy

01:50 PM - Alex Jones Show - Second Hour - August 25, 2020

Clownfish TV

03:10 PM - Power Rangers' RITA REPULSA Trends on Twitter Over POLITICS?!

The White House

03:26 PM - President Trump Participates in a Naturalization Ceremony at the White House

General Shepherd

03:32 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 08/25/20 3rd Hour

Mark Dice

04:20 PM - Now It's Our Turn!

Lionel Nation

05:02 PM - LiveStream: Truth Highlights Day Two of the 2020 Trump RNC Liberty and Truth Fête


05:52 PM - Republican National Convention (Day 2)


09:52 PM - First Lady Melania Trump full remarks at the 2020 Republican National Convention

Fox News

10:16 PM - Tiffany Trump: Media 'keeps people mentally enslaved to ideas they deem correct'

Banned Media

10:18 PM - Breaking! Hillary and Nancy Announce Offical Plans To Contest Election and Fracture Nation

Viva Frei

10:41 PM - Too Many Coincidences: Is Millie Weaver's Prosecution POLITICAL? Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT

Joshie Bear

11:03 PM - 🚨Why Did Alex Cut Ties With Millie Weaver?

Farmer Jones

11:12 PM - 8/22/20 Portland Riots, Florida vaccine Program, FBI Vault, Millie gets Fired? LaCrose rules!


11:19 PM - Jordan Peterson & Free Will! Freedomain Call In Show with Stefan Molynuex Aug 8 2020 (FDR 4676)

Fox News

11:22 PM - Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann's speech at the RNC | FULL

Wake Up

11:25 PM - INFOWARS THE ALEX JONES SHOW🌟08/25/2020🌟{{{WAKE UP}}}🌟

News Procket

11:27 PM - ⚔️🗽🔊 InfoWars Take Back America Hosted by Deanna Lorraine for Congress

10:40 AM - Crazy dream but I can't remember any of it or I did but forgot it now.

11:20 AM - Laundry. Breakfast oatmeal, honey, raisins, water, apple cobbler, last bit, last slice from last night. Picked a box of apples. Some were falling off, oh John Newton would be proud as a few hit my head, oh Heavens, it is gravity. Spiders crawl into this thing and die. Eggs on an apple, well, spider eggs or other such small eggs. Sunshine. The ant went to the other hive. Never mind the spider from yesterday morning which I mentioned. Good infowars night show last night. RNC should have more people, no masks. But they do. But at least they have some passion. Coffee now.

12:32 PM - Facebook locked my Real Oatmeal Joey Arnold account, a backup to JoeyArnoldVN. I am trying to get phone service on my cell phone to confirm my account by text.

05:30 PM - Was napping a bit while listening to the RNC and had weird dreams for ten to like maybe thirty minutes,

06:00 PM - 09:00 PM - mote digging. Like making a creek. I kept on hearing again this thought, "Stop sinning if you want to be blessed." I said, "God, if that's you, please remind me of this again. The Salvation Army has a 9th doctrine that encourage people not to live in sin. It is essential to motivate people to not sin if they can. If you are aware of sin in your life, then try not do it. Pray for help. Tell other people. Write it down. Remind yourself. Get substitutions to replace those bad habits or whatever it might be. If my people, call by my name, and seek my face, then I will heal their land, says the Bible. That is in the Old Testament. Interesting to see stumps grow back into little trees and branches. I see mud. Good hot shower. Fridge coffee. I put it in there earlier.

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