Reasons Why You Haven't Made Money To Invest

A lot of people want to start investing or let's say have a lot of money to spend around to solve their numerous problems. Anyway, it is cool having plenty of money but how many people really have this money so as to invest or enjoy the luxury of life?

A lot of people always wish to be rich and be able to invest in many place but they realize that they are in debt and are living from hand to mouth. They barely have anything to invest as they are in debt before they get their pay. So many people say they need money, so as to solve all the problems they have but the truth is money does not solve all problems maybe it solves majority but money can solve all money problem. Why you do not have enough money to invest and become rich? I will help a little on this post.


Reasons Why You Haven't Made Money To Invest

You have been in poverty for a very long time, although you have a credit card with fat credit limit, you have a lot of mortgage to pay, as well as you are in debt. All this make you worry and you want to a solution. Here are some rules you need to follow.

Spending The Funds You Haven't earned

This is where your credit card comes in. You are not suppose to spend the money you do not have readily. Buying a Television set on credit before your salary is not a cool move at all. If you want to be rich, you need to start cutting out some credits.


Chasing money or working for money

Money is supposed to work for you, but when you start going after money, you do it so as to spend it immediately. If you keep working so as to get a paycheck and use it to pay debt, then you will keep revolving around the same circle leading to a rat race. Rather make yourself valuable so people consume your value and that makes you money.

Inability to Invest Time and Money

Investing time in your business and on yourself is far more than investing money. The more time you invest help you understand what step you are supposed to take and the money it is going to cost.


Lack Of Money and Investment Education

The lack of money education is one very big problem, the degree you have doesn't count or matter in this aspect. Money education is not taught in schools and requires outside school walls education to learn it. The lack knowledge on how to handle money will lead to improper use money. You need to invest in your financial education so as to be rich.

Slavery To Money Based On bad debt

A lot of people live on debt both rich and poor. The rich live on good debt called leverage while the poor live on bad debt. When you are in debt to a financial institution, you are their slave and instrument as you need to work so as to pay them both the money lent and the interest. Living in debt will not give you the avenue to invest money.


Be Able To Control Money. (A bone in the hands of a dog is cherished but in the hands of a goat it is thrown away)

The ability to handle money properly is what determines if money will stay with you or not. Money in the hands of a flamboyant person is gone soon but in the hands of a person that can control it, it stays.

Only the Right Seed Of Planting Money Will Grow So education Is Important.

Investing money in the right place at the right time for the right purpose is the only way to grow your money tree from seed level. Not every money seed can be planted in the right place but seeds planted in the right place grow to become money trees. So do not be deceive, money do not grow on trees but money is a tree that grows from a seed

Spending Less Than You Earn

Never live above your earnings so you can be able to invest. Living beyond your income will always put you in debt and make you poorer. If you earn $100 monthly, you are meant to leave below $50 so you can be able to invest and keep some for rainy days.

After taking time to do the things listed above, you will realize that wealth is just a game of rules. Never forget, accumulating wealth is not a days job and it needs time, brain, idea, and hardwork.

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