Zestwa introduce yourself post!

Dear Steemians,

Let me introduce myself! I'm sitting here at my computer wondering what on earth to write and blaming my brother-in-law for introducing me to this strange new world of Steemit, which I really don't have a clue about! However I do love Facebook (sorry, hope that's not a dirty word around here) and I do bore a lot of people with my posts over there, so maybe I should give them a break for awhile and annoy you guys instead! I feel a bit like Penny from The Big Bang Theory TV show, by assuming that most people here will be intellectual, nerdy computer geeks who understand cryptocurrency??? Whilst I just about know how to switch my computer on. No actually that's a lie, I get my son to do it. But hopefully I will have some value to add to the Steemit community which I'm sure is pretty diverse and can learn about it all as I go!


A bit like Penny in the Big Bang Theory, I'm an aspiring actress. I've been aspiring for about 17 years now and I'm almost all aspired out! Actually it's only ever been a hobby, but lately, now my kids are teenagers and only need me to be their unpaid chauffeurs and careers advisors, I've thought more seriously about pursuing my acting and have taken advantage of some exciting opportunities, performing regularly on stage and as an extra in a movie! The photo above was taken on set, after I had rummaged through some second hand clothes stores (a favourite pastime of mine!) to find something suitably folk festival. I don't always dress like that, actually I do, my inner retro vibe is strong and vintage clothing is a passion of mine!

I forgot to mention I live in Perth, the city that never sleeps, in Western Australia. Actually it does sleep, it sleeps a lot. It's the most laid back city in the world where everyone is in bed by 9.30. Restaurants literally turn you away at 8pm as the chef is hanging up his frying pan and pulling his pyjamas on by 8.15pm. Coming from the UK it was a shock to not be able to go out to eat at 10pm or later, but I've adjusted now and as soon as 7pm comes around and we've experienced yet another jaw dropping WA sunset, glass of Chardonnay in hand, we know it's time to happily and contentedly turn in for the night. This photo of the city skyline was taken from Kings Park when we were unexpectedly out past bedtime! Just to be clear, there's no actual curfew as such, it's just a WA thing.

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When long term Australian citizens who haven't recently set foot outside their sundrenched, soft sand, all year round blue sky environment, ask why my family and I moved from the UK to WA, there's no real answer to that is there? It must be a WA thing to assume that everyone, everywhere, gets their fair share of good weather...right? Wrong! My answer is always "For the sun...??!!!?" The look on their face is always smug laced with pity. So yes, we came for the sun...and now seven years on, spend most of our time avoiding it, sheltering from it, complaining about it, thinking up ways to limit our exposure to it, missing it a bit through the short winter then....repeat. I still love going to the beach though, for ten minutes, with lots of sunscreen.

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I recently started a FB page under the name Zest wa to celebrate the natural beauty of WA, the lifestyle here, things to do and see and activities that encourage a zestful approach to life. I'll share some of my posts here as some of you may be planning to visit WA or perhaps have recently moved here. It's a great place to live and I still have so much more to discover and the rest of Australia to explore too!

Thanks for checking out my first post! Hope to connect with you all again soon!

Daisy xx

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