I will bring you pure Natural sounds and healthly frequency Music

..."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla

Music has a hidden power to affect our minds, our bodies, our thoughts, and our society.

u know that feeling of clear-headed calm that washes over you when you listen to water babbling down a stream, or leaves rustling in the wind?

A walk in the woods—or even a sound played trugh sound player with recordings from nature can affect heart rate and alter connections in the brain

When that music is based upon a tuning standard purposely removed from the natural harmonics found in nature, the end result may be the psychic poisoning of the mass mind of humanity.

“If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.” -Confucius

I am here on Steemit to bring you good, vital music and pure nature ambient sounds that will effect your body in a positive way.

Listening to this underwather whale sounds, what vibes did you get?

Lets have a conversation about the effect of music and sounds in the comments.


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