#Introducemyself @travelwithme HEY STEEMIT- HERE'S MY FIRST POST ~ COME GET TO KNOW ME !!!

BIG HELLO to everyone in the Steemit Community,

My name is Matty aka @travelwithme and I'm so excited to be sharing my first post with you!!

Here's just a little about me so you can get to know me better....

I was originally born in Burma and moved to Australia when I was little. I’ve lived in Perth, on the beautiful West Coast of Australia most of my life but have been traveling all around the world for the last 10+ years. The very basic core of my living spirit is my passion for adventure. The joy of my life comes from my encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon.
For each day that I get to wake up to a new and different sun brings me so much joy that my heart smiles graciously at the vast and endless possibilities that await me!

Recently I’ve decided to quit my 9-5, sell my home and go traveling... full time.
I had been heavily in the corporate world for quiet a long time achieved a lot of what society had called “success” but always felt like something was missing inside of me, my soul yearned for more!!
So life threw me a massive curve ball, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about! When something completely unexpected happens in your life to WAKE YOU UP ( in my case it was a major illness- amongst other things) something you could never really plan for, and all you’re left with is two choices.... You either continue to do what you've always done.... and inevitably end up where you've always been OR you can choose to swallow your fears and take a chance on your passion, regardless of self doubt, disbelief from others and downright logic.


So I set out to go and experience whatever and where ever my heart desired.
Although just at the beginning, I’ve ticked many items from my list, visiting some of the most beautiful locations around the world, connecting with likeminded people and giving back in the most humbling of experiences. From building homes for those without shelter in rural Cambodia, to studying under Buddhist Monks in a Vipassana in Thailand, to sharing ancient knowledge and sitting with Plant Medicine with Shamans in the Amazon Jungle. I’m learning and growing in ways I could never have imagined.


The most important benefit of traveling for me has been the consistent reminder that we are all connected in one way or another, and we are all more alike than we think... It’s both a state of thankfulness...... for being able to build out an unconventional life and travel the way I do and a state of openness....learning from and appreciating that connectedness.

I have always been passionate about Health and Wellbeing - all aspects of Body, Mind and Spirit, and have been a Naturopath for the last 10 years, and along the way adding to my toolbox every year new skills from training to be a Yoga instructor, a Reiki master and recently a IAKP Kambo Practitioner and Sound Healer.
Besides traveling I am very dedicated to inspiring, encouraging, and empowering people about embodying their authentic self and living a conscious lifestyle.


At this moment in my life I can honestly say I plan to continue following my heart, exploring my passions and facing my fears as I show others by example how I live and by educating others to make more fulfilling life choices so that they can live a purposeful and joyful life. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give you peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit than a secure future!


I decided to become apart of the Steemit Community because I want to share my experiences in the array of different aspects of my life, and also at the same time learn from and be exposed to alternative perspectives apart from my own.
I will be sharing practical and insightful posts with you on everything from healthy eating, to conscious living, to travel tips, to daily happenings in life and my journey navigating the world both geographically and spiritually. I’ll even thrown in a mix of things that just make me happy or laugh, in the end isn’t that what life is all about??

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I look forward to connecting with you all and learning more about this amazing community. So don’t be shy say HI, share your views and comments with me. And don’t forget to follow me and stay up to date on my adventures!!




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