Golden Rules On Bodybuilding

Hello friends. In my first article I would like to tell you about bodybuilding. I have been interested in this sport for years, there are many important points. if we are going to talk about them;


We must have eaten my food at least 2 hours before starting the training.
We should not exceed 12-15 sets for each muscle group. leading to the loss of the excess pump feeling. and the moves we do afterwards become inefficient.


It may be more useful to have a partner than to work alone. Because; when we are doing repetitions, when the power is depleted, the extra 2-3 times will make our muscles tear.

Breathe in the right breath while doing the moves. Breathe while lifting weight, breathe down. In short, do not hold your breath when you are forced. This is really dangerous. We can lose our consciousness and fall and cripple a place. There's even the risk of having a heart attack.

We must avoid activities that will tear us down after training. You know that one of the most important rules of this sport is rest. Especially the secretion of growth hormone in the night between 1-4 hours of sleep is very important.


And our most important rule is nutrition. Nutrition constitutes %70 of this sport. If you are not fed correctly, it will be unnecessary to wait for your body to develop.
Many of us want to be strong, some of us want to have a beautiful image. As a result, we all meet at the same point. When these are our goals, we have made sports a part of our lives. The best thing is to enjoy it.
Thanks friends.


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