Software Engineer, Musician, Hacker, Geek, a Portuguese lost in Bangkok!


Adventures of a Portuguese living in Bangkok, Thailand.

I have been and am a Software Engineer, Team Lead, Musician, Human

Inspired by my friend @charlie777pt I'm currently moving from medium publishing platform to steemit, as I am truly in love with the concept behind it and the openeness of the bright future that blockchain will allow for us to explore further and beyond.

Me and my awesome wife @paulamachado have been traveling from Portugal to Berlin and now Bangkok; here we are in the hottest city of the world! It's been an amazing discovery experience being here since four months now; still much to explore and eat! Expect some Bangkok posts of course, some photos from my old camera included!

Thai food is the best!

I love music, I was a professional musician, touring around Europe with my band where I sang and played guitar following the steps of my guitar playing father; good times and magic days that music gave me, until I reached the point where I was just not comfortable allowing business dictating what could I or not do with my music, so I've stepped away from this world, removed all of my content from platforms such as Spotify or iTunes; I still create and play of course, and very much interested in the future with projects such as Ujo or Mycelia, and actively studying and researching to explore my own ideas on it.

With the band live, opening for Peter Hook in Lisbon

I've been a computer geek since long I can remember; while young I was particularly interested in destroying computers so that I could just assemble them back again giving tremendous headaches to my parents of course; since then and after discovering programming on an old ZX Spectrum, I've never went back!

There's just something beautiful for me in this tech world that allows me to continuously create something out of the air and explore all my crazy ideas; nowadays I'm playing the role of a team lead for a small web team in an agency here in Bangkok, so, besides some tech articles, expect also some posts about leadership, management as it's something that I'm very much interested also and learning a lot everyday, particularly learning a lot from the traveling that we're doing, it's amazing to see how much the culture does influence everything that one assumes to be and how much that opens your heart and mind and puts a very big perspective magnifier on everything.

Geek and hacker by nature!

As a world traveler, musician, developer and just human, I'll share my experiences, learnings and stupid ideas with the community; some crazy photos and videos from around the world included!

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

Make a lot of mistakes! See you around :)

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