How I Became From a Nomad Traveler To Having My Own Brand

I’m so grateful for having to be introduced to this community. I love traveling so much because I not only learn about the world and myself, but I meet people like Frank (@luzcypher) who helped me get started here.

My story
IMG_3228.JPGI started active traveling when I was 19 and left Hungary – my country, for the first time longer than 2 weeks. For 7 years I traveled Europe looking for something my heart couldn’t verbalize. I was chasing myself. After living in 6 countries, having fabulous jobs, not so fabulous jobs, experiencing a higher and a lower standard of living I decided to quit my life and stop trying to fit into a society that wasn’t for me.

I tried so hard to follow the standard university, job, climb, raise, boyfriend, husband, kids, house…no.

Right now I have my own company online about personal development and traveling, I’m based between Mexico and the US, living on a sailboat with a boyfriend and a rescued, adopted puppy from the jungle. Not bad for a college dropout, but it took me 8 years of searching to find where I fit in.

I learned that if there is no category I fit in, I could create my own. This is how my blog/company/passion was born, called My Seven Worlds. It began as a Facebook page for my family and friends to be able to follow my very first hitchhiking trip around Europe during the summer of 2015. I left on such an adventure because I broke up with my boyfriend who I was with for 5 years. When I found out he had been cheating on me all along and yet still planning on proposing to me that year, I didn’t even shed a tear. I left a weight behind me and I was free.
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Blogging started it all
I started with the usual travel blog material, writing about where I’ve been, what I’ve seen, but after 3 posts it became boring. So I changed it to writing about how I felt, and what I’ve learned.

After my first day hitchhiking to Italy I arrived late for accommodation and the stations were closed, so I was forced to sleep on the street like a homeless person. Never in my life I felt more angry, sad and lost, but the next day I realized I survived a night on the streets, so I can do anything.

Soon after my trip I embarked on the biggest journey of my life, a yearlong backpacking through Latin America. I put myself on the map with blogging because I hitchhiked a boat with my friend from Spain, crossed the Atlantic and landed on the Caribbean after 2 weeks at sea. Then we hitchhiked across 4 countries in Central America and arriving in Colombia, we sad goodbye to each other, and I carried on alone for another 8 months.

My Seven Worlds was officially recognized in Hungary as a travel blog, so it was awarded the most adventurous travel blog of 2016. My riskiest adventures include:
• Hitchhiking a boat
• Hitchhiking in Latin America
• Diving at night with wild crocodiles
• Diving with bullsharks
• Well, diving in general since I used to have phobia of the water
• Taking a cargo boat up the Amazon river for 4 days, sleeping in hammocks with 50 other indigenous people and thousands of cockroaches
• Walking up to 5000 meters (15000 feet)
• Sleeping in a tree house for days in Nicaragua

And the riskiest decisions I’ve taken:
• Sharing my deepest secrets with the world
• Not taking a job just for money
• Spending everything that I had
• Moving onto the next country when I though I found love
• Prioritizing myself
• Walking away from opportunities that seemed great, but were not passion
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The true purpose of traveling
To me traveling was always about what happens inside of me. And no, I’m not talking about stomach bugs, although I had quit a few experiences with them. I’m talking about the inner personal journey. I realized the more I share, the more I gain so I evolved into the currently only honest voice in Hungary who tells it how it is.

I’m not afraid to show my ugly, to reveal my mistakes, to admit when I’ve done wrong, because I was tired of pretending. I have my fair share of childhood baggage, shortcomings and weaknesses, but by opening up about them, people help me self reflect, learn and correct. My blog is essentially the live documentation of my own personal development without censoring.

I wanted to tell people that they are not alone with their problems. I wanted to show them why comparing ourselves to others in dangerous, why positive thinking is useful, why honesty is important, why communication is key in any kind of relationship.

Bienvenidos a mi casa
Then I made it Mexico and I fell in love with the energy here. Never in my life I felt so much at home. Over the 1-year backpacking I volunteered, worked, chilled and then ended up burning through my hard earned savings, but since I had no intention of following the norm, I invested in me. The best education one can have.

While writing about my journey people started reaching out for help and my readers were always number one for me. We have a personal relationship so they are not afraid to ask. I became a life coach because it was my passion, my readers requested it, and if I have all this knowledge and experience, it would be a crime not to share it with people in need.

My baby – My Seven Worlds
Then My Seven Worlds began to have a life of its own and I let my followers decide in which direction should I go next. One day I came upon a travel agency who loved my concept of going off the beaten path, traveling the way I do, taking risks, exploring the unknown and learning at the same time, so they made my dream come true. We call the tour series Beyond The Mayans.

Now I have my own tour in Mexico from next year where I get to take groups into the wild and show them this wonderful country from a nomad’s perspective. I’m about to start to combine my 2 passions, traveling and self development. This tour is me, it is the My Seven Worlds philosophy and I plan on expanding into other latino countries, where I feel most home. And I'm blessed to be the very first person brining this concept to life and introducing it on the market.

Finding love on the road
About the love life, I met my boyfriend on the streets of Playa del Carmen, Mexico while he was on vacation. We ended up developing feelings for each other in only 8 days and even tough 6 months passed after he left, we couldn’t get over the other. Once I started making money online, I could afford to see him and find out if this is for real, or we were stuck in vacation mode in the past.

We recently purchased our first home, a 28 footer sailboat, which I have no idea how to sail just yet, but we are starting a video blog about life on a sailboat to help and inspire others to live their dreams. We started a brand new video blog called Our Seven Seas that will document our life at sea.

Having a family
In about 2 weeks my life turned upside down with the tour, the boat and a new dog, named Choco. I was not prepared to become a mom to a puppy in the middle of a transitioning phase, but when I heard about him struggling in the jungle, I knew it was time to adopt a dog. He is just over 4 weeks old and he was rescued with most of his siblings, because dogs in a Mayan jungle do not tend to live for long, and even if they do, they struggle their whole lives.

This few pound cuteness was love at first sight and when I held him for the first time, I cried like a mother with her newborn. His heartbeat tuned into mine and I forgot about the money, the timing, the difficulties of caring for a 4 weeks old baby, I took him and we are going back to Florida to my boyfriend and the boat just after Christmas. Choco will grow up to be a water loving dog and media star, because for sure I will make his own Instagram profile to documents his journey too.

I’m so far away from my 17 years old dog at home and when one has a dog, she will never feel alone again. The unconditional love, forgiveness, loyalty and non verbal communication is the reason I love dogs so much. They taught me lessons no human can.

I’m still not where I could feel safe, but as long as I know I have a direction to follow, it will all be okay. Walking into the unknown is the most rewarding adventure for me. Every new place, every new person, each new business venture makes its mark on my soul and I grew stronger.

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