Time To Introduce New Wannabe-Adventurer To Steemians - Here I Am!

Hello, Steemians! One of my coworkers told me about Steemit... It was sopposed to be a social media, where I can earn some cash with my stories, so I decided to crab my chance! I have been looking around here almost a month for now, writing some posts, voting, commenting, socializing, trying to curate and so on... My illusions to fund my travels, adventures or gear with Steemit income are broken apart for now, but I still like here and I'm not planning to leave this place, until its fun to be here! Besides, if I work hard here until the end of this year, I can still buy myself a good pair of merino woolen socks for hiking! 👌


First thing - English is not my native language! If you think I'm writing like a 6 year old kid, it's okay 😉, Improving my English is one of the many reasons to be here! Another good reason is to find new interesting like-minded friends all around the world. I'm already following some of them, enjoying, voting and commenting their good content and some of them are following me as well. I wouldn't exclude an opportunity to meet them in real life for some trekking or mountaineering adventure! If you think, we could plan something like this together, let me know! If you plan some visit and trek to Estonia (yes, I am native Estonian), let me know as well... Maybe I can give some good advice or be a co-hiker!


And now we have reached to my favorite topic - its outdoor adventures and traveling, specially everything involved to trekking, camping, hiking and mountaineering. This is exactly, what my future posts will talk about! I already have many good stories to tell from my past. I have climbed some mountains mostly in Europe, but also in Asia and Africa. If I'm saying "climbing", it doesn't mean, I'm some badass mountaineer. I'm somewhere in-between wannabe-mountaineer and mountain tourist, but it doesn't stop me to dream big... In addition to mountain stuff, I'm a big fan of trekking! My treks doesn't have any seasonal or weather limits - if I have some days for myself, I'll pack my stuff, go outside and take a hike!


I hope, you don't mind, if I'm not explaining too much about my personal life here. I'm not delighted about idea, to trap my personal information forever into blockchain. Besides, today I'm not the same person as yesterday and I have no idea, about tomorrow. If you really wanna know something meaningful, just ask 😉


In addition to above, I have to explain about my time-management! To get my stories for myself and Steemit, I have to plan it first, then comes action (travel, trek, adventure...), its followed by creating a post, video or whatever. It all consumes a lot of time! So I hope, you don't mind, if I'm gone, lost, invisible or whatever, sometimes for many days or even weeks in a row... I don't want and sometimes even can't to connect to the internet with my phone, while trekking.


That's it for now, let's get to know each-other here and who really wants to find me, I can help with a hint: there should be a link on my profile to somewhere, where is another link to my other profile in other social media platform, until you are able to contact me... Good luck! 😉


Thanks for your attention and time! 😊


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