Exploring a new world - into the HIVE : A newbie Introduction!

Catey here...

and I'm finally getting out of my comfort zone.

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My friends call me Catey and people know me as a strong-willed independent woman and a risk taker, but I prefer to identify myself as a woman with ambition and a heart of gold.

About Me

Hello Hive fellas! I am Catherine, an IT engineer by profession with 10 years of experience in the IT industry. A Filipina, proud Cebuana living miles away from home. I moved and started working in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in December of 2014. I was only 22 years old then, naïve but eager to achieve my ambitions.

#Blessed and grateful that’s who I am. My humble beginnings and my faith through both successes and failures have brought me to where and who I am today.


Why Am I Here?

I am here to share my story and to get to know myself better and uncover my full potential.
I don’t know how this will work but my good friend @wittyzell have introduced me here. I love creating video content about my daily life, cooking videos, travels and interests on Instagram and she thinks I should try and explore the HIVE community. It is indeed a great opportunity for me to improve and learn from others.

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I’m neither a good writer nor a good storyteller but I want to document important and heart-warming events and create memories that I could always look back to. Looking forward to more interactions with fellow Hiveans.

What is my passion and interest?

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I love to cook, and my friends love my food, so I gained confidence in the kitchen. I would spend my spare time watching cooking shows, trying new recipes, and making my own version. I’m not a chef, just a simple home cook. I’m excited to share this passion with you, how nice if I could have everyone here as my food-tasters :D


I believe health is wealth, I’m not into fitness but I make sure to exercise and sweat. I would run after work and join Zumba session on Saturday mornings. I want to join a half-Marathon one day, I’m not sure if I can finish a full marathon but we never know.

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I wish I could resign from work and focus on traveling but I have bills to pay and a future to save for, but I will travel more.


I consider Malaysia as my second home. A multiracial and multicultural country where Malays, Indians, Chinese and people from all over the world live together in peace and harmony. A nation with hundreds of festivals and celebrations all-year round, a food lover’s haven I must say. I’ll share with you what the Philippines, Malaysia and the world have to offer.

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I’m excited to write and share my future blogs and have fun here. Thank you for reading. Have a great day!

All photos and videos in my posts are mine unless stated otherwise.

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