Celebrating 1000+ followers, THANK YOU! Here are 10 things you probably didn’t knew about me...

1000 followers now, wow! Could not imagine that when I started blogging here in June 2016. I am so grateful.

And I am curious! Some of you I have got to know a bit better here on Steemit, but I want to get to know all of you better.

It would be so fun if you made a comment, anything about you! A talent, your favorite dish, how you found Steemit, where you come from, a fun fact - anything about you!

Here are 10 things you probably do not know about me:

  • I am building a large underground hydroponic farm in a mountain.
  • I sleep without a pillow.
  • I eat chocolate everyday, but have not eaten sugar for more than a year.
  • I have worked for H&M as a manikin they sewed their swimwear on. I have also built trucks in a factory.
  • I almost broke the world record in water fighting.
  • I am a highly sensitive person.
  • I have got a fracture on my nose two times while I was dancing.
  • I have siblings 15 years younger than me.
  • My best trip was to India.
  • I have threw frisbee with panpizzas from the roof of the town hall.

Now I want to know more about you! :D

Maybe a chance for all of us to find new exciting profiles to follow?


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