Hello Steemit! I'm Focusfit

Hello everyone! I’m Focusfit
My name is Kris, and I have to admit. I suck at social media!
Don’t believe me.. Just look at the face I made for this picture below… WTF??

This extremely rare photo of me was captured one summer day about 2 years ago. -RIP beard May-Sept 2015-. This is a view from the Scarborough Bluffs. Yes, that’s Lake Ontario over my shoulder. Less brown than you were probably expecting? And the girl beside me is my partner in crime.. aka we binge watch Netflix series and eat way to much popcorn. She’ll disagree with the popcorn part.

So, who am I and what do I like to do?

I like playing outside and going on adventures, what else is there to say?
Here is a picture of myself with some very close friends I have made over the years in the Canadian Army Reserves. Taken on a 4 night 5 day camping trip (Deeeep in the bush) at Killarney provincial park.

Photo Credit goes to my brother (Middle row, red hat). It was supposed to be a picture of us elegantly mounting each other to form a 6 Man Human Pyramid. With a spectacular view of a mountain behind us…. At least we got a picture before buddy in the bottom right gave in. Did I mention my brother is a professional photography now. I’m just as surprised as you.

But in all seriousness I started my career in personal training 8 years ago. And just to be clear. That’s before Instagram and before having “Personal Trainer” on your profile was considered the coolest shit. Fun fact, I also owned BTC before it was cool to own BTC.

My brand is FocusFitMotivation.

My goal is to leverage Steemit as my primary outlet to assist anyone who is struggling with or beginning their journey towards living a healthier life style. I plan on providing as much VALUABLE information that can be easily (and sometimes a bit harder) implemented into anyone’s daily routines. No miracle pills or extreme weight loss strategies here. Only core fundamental life style habits and behavior strategies. The ultimate goal is to provide value to your long and beauty life!

Thank you to everyone whose read this far.

I have only been on Steemit for a week now, but I already feel at home!

Hope to make many new friends soon.

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