My First post and ||My Future Posts Project||

*Hello to everyone who is on this revolutionary platform, here is my quick introduction...

I am a junior doctor right now and in a couple of years, l will complete my medical education and will become a Doctor.


So why I am here?

While I visit on Steemit I really disappointed that there are several trending posts on CRYPTOCURRENCY, BITCOIN,PHOTOGRAPHY, ART and etc etc but didn’t find any HEALTH related post to be trending in this word of modernization we forget about our health so here I am for this. When I walk through streets or talk to people then I found that there are so much misconception and myth in person minds about any disease or any health services by government , So I thought why I Don't start to write about the things which I know and let then people of society to learn about the things which they don't know , that's why am here.
When I will post my blog or writings?
I thought 1 post in a week will be sufficient for covering all the essential details and will also have to convey it to you persons in the common language.

My Goal?

I will Start posting the blog in week after a week and till I found that my knowledge really useful to someone so it's your responsibility to tell me that it is valuable to you or I have to improve more. It may happen that blogs become late because I am in a medical field and the amount of pressure you guys can understand.
So I am hereby. going to start the journey and really need support from you guys and now rest my words......

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Have a GREAT DAY !!!!


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