Master healer and Integrative Health Coach, Ashley Michaud tells her story of transformation

Hi, I am Ashley Michaud. I am a certified Master Healer, Integrative Health Coach and Founder of Elemental Growth. In addition to my Professional qualifications, I am also experienced in many other areas including fertility, natural childbirth, natural parenting and many other things that you can learn about as we connect more.

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I grew up thinking that my life was already mapped out - make enough money to survive and "play hard" when your not working. As a child I was surrounded by family and friends who abused their bodies, loved ones and environment. I was conditioned to believe that getting an education would somehow free me from the life my parents lead. This was not the case.

I did go to college, I took hospitality and tourism because I had experience in this field already. Having moved out on my own at such a young age I landed my first paying job, setting up/cleaning at a local bar when I was thirteen. Following college I began to travel moving to four different provinces, accumulating and sharing my experiences.

Eventually, I found myself drowning in undesirable guilt and sadness that I could not shake. I was living my life different then my parents before me but really I was doing the same things that I set out to avoid. I didn't love myself, nor did I know how.

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Shortly after this realization I moved back to my home town to face my reality and cleanse my past. I took some time to reflect on my life and who I wanted to be, and questioned "what is my full potential?"

I cleaned up my diet, I won the fight against addiction, I dove deep into self actualization and began to unschool myself. My path led me to a backpacking trip through South America. I was blessed to see 3 beautiful countries, make new friends and connect to parts of myself that I had truly missed.

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When I returned home to Canada I knew without a doubt that I was going to do something amazing with my life. That everything I had ever gone through or will go through serves a higher purpose and that there are no mistakes, just lessons and love.

Shortly after I was granted another blessing. I found out I was pregnant with a son. Not only was this a blessing in the typical sense but also because it meant that I had truly healed myself. For, years prior I received news that my chances of conceiving were not very likely. I did write a blog about this if you want more details. I gave birth peacefully and naturally at home with no medical interventions on Friday, May 13, 2016.

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Today, I am a proud mama of a happy and healthy boy, I named him Fynn after Finn McCool a mythical warrior. He is the center of my world now and together we are thriving in all we do. My intention now is to share my wisdom, experience and love with those open and ready to live their fullest potential.

I love you all, and wish you all the best as you uncover your dharma and walk your chosen path.

Love, Ashley

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