IntroduceYourself , My name is Adam and I call myself a Natural Doctor

No, I don't have six pack abs. My initials are A.B.S. Hence DrAbs,


When I was growing up being fed ramen, pizza, and chicken nuggets, I developed a hobby for nutrition to control my weight and my mothers diabetes. I dreamt of creating a supplement so that I could eat as much icecream mush at bedtime as I could fit in my belly without gaining weight. Though I've stopped my daily Icecream habbit, My new dreams are no less lofty. I want to prevent cancer and autism.


By the time I was thirteen I'd taught myself how to estimate the calorie content of foods. I began to learn the rda's for vitamins and minerals and the foods one must eat in order to reach those intake levels. I may have stopped there if it were not for my father's diagnosis. He had brain cancer and only a few years to live.

With my world shattered I tried to help in any way that I could. Since my fathers doctors were busy only managing his symptoms, I tirelessly began to study the mechanisms of action for his medications and research his symptoms and their associated biological pathways in order to make sense of what was truely happening to him. His cancer, hypogonadism, heart disease, multiple strokes, and cognitive dysfunction led me to read deeply into the fields of endocrinology, neurology, and molecular metabolism. To this day I've read over a thousand scholarly articles, kept up with the latest health trends including the pseudo-scientific ones, and am capable of discerning confounding variables which affect our Health. I wish I knew what I know now when I still had a chance to help him.

It has taken me nearly seven years of independent study to feel confident in the knowledge I attained. I am a college graduate with a degree in Nutrition and I knew to eat sunny egg yolks for their choline content and studied ways to lower homocysteine before my peers or even esteemed doctors began to learn of their relevance to heart disease. There is much in the cutting edge research of the past 20 years that people need to become aware of. Although I take great pride in my knowledge, I have not been able to find a medium by which to get my points across. It is my hope that you the steemit community will accept me as your resident Natural Doctor. To be able to help even one persons day be a little bit brighter and their life a little bit easier so that I may begin to repay forward the kindess and privledge life has afforded to me

That and I have a habit of buying expensive toys for my cat
Cat Tree.JPG
Next I want to buy her net enclosure and fill it with grasshoppers :)


I plan to write stories about Cannabis health risks and benefits, Food Science, Overlooked VitD facts, Cancer, Depression, Autism, Anxiety, Nutracueticals and Supplement safety and efficacy, the Biology of Spirituality; Thoughts, Feelings, Learning and Metaphysics. Besides health, I may write the occassional story on Politics, Policies, Conspiracy Theories, and Entertainment. Today is my first day with steem and over the coming days and weeks I'm sure I'll need your help to better adjust to the platform. I will repay any kindnesses shown to me and look forward to becoming a valued member of this community

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