Introducing Myself: This is Cosette, Hello Steemit Community! 我是Cosette, 大家好!

Hi there! 大家好!

This is Cosette, nice to walk in the Steemit world and meet you all! It's always wonderful to get to know new faces and all those amazing stories and adventures. Hope that you will enjoy reading my stories too!

| 我叫Cosette,很開心能走進steemit的世界,認識到可愛的你們!我很喜歡看大家筆下鮮活快樂的故事,希望你也喜歡我的故事~


I live in Hong Kong, a lively metropolis with stunning views and of course, food! I get to know lots of interesting spirits here - although I wasn't born here (but a city 231km away :p), I already fell in love with the city (and one boy here!) Since time flows too fast in HK, steemit is a perfect place to record my footprints and laughter along the way!

| 我生活在繁忙活潑的大都市香港,這裡有絕美的風景還有美食無數!雖然不是在這裡出生(我出生在一個距離香港231公里遠的大陸城市),但是我認識了很多有趣的靈魂,也愛上了這個城市(還愛上了一個男孩)。香港的生活太快,我希望用steemit紀錄我的生活點滴。


I am a foodie, a serious ice-cream lover. Lots of my photos are with food. lol

| 我非常喜歡美食,還是個嚴肅認真的冰淇淋熱愛者!我經常會跟食物同框,哈哈!


I love going outdoors, and traveling of course. I've lived in Lyon, the second largest cities in France for one year, and I took every single chance I got to travel - I've been to many beautiful and exciting European cities - Paris, Barcelona, Brussels, Basel, Berlin, Stockholm, Vienna, Copenhagen... I love Barcelona the most. Definitely a huge fan of its sunshine! I will be sharing some interesting (or embarrassing) stories and those unforgettable views in later posts.

| 我喜欢去戶外玩,旅遊當然是愛好之一。我曾經在法國第二大城市里昂住了一年,抓緊了所有機會去旅遊。我去了很多歐洲城市 - 巴黎,巴塞羅納,布魯塞爾,巴塞爾,柏林,斯德哥爾摩,維也納,哥本哈根等等。巴塞羅納是我最喜歡的城市,誰不會喜歡那裏的陽光呢!之後我會給大家分享一些旅遊的趣事蠢事,還有一些令我永生難忘的風景。



It was wonderful to meet you all. Please upvote and follow me. See you soon!

| 很開心認識大家,請多多關注我!下次見~

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