Kia Ora & Merry Christmas!!

Good Evening All!!

Wow, here I am at 12:48am on Christmas Day writing my first blog entry...Exciting life huh!
I guess this is the opportunity to introduce myself.
My name is Annie - named after Annie Lennox of course, thank you Mum and Dad.
As you can see from my title I am from New Zealand, hence KIA ORA!
Unfortunately humans do this awful thing called aging so I've made it to 23. I know a lot of you will say "23!! Hun thats not old at all! Enjoy life while you're young!" Sadly I haven't been able to enjoy a 'young' life since I was 18 due to my joints hating on me but that can and most likely will be a whole blog post in itself for those who are interested...and nosey! Don't worry I'm in the nosey club too :P
Anyway, we have covered the basics. Annie, 23, New Zealand...Married - Sorry boys! Kidding.
I am happily married to an amazing man called Joseph which again, for those who are interested I can upload a soppy blog post about how we met etc.
Right! Short and sweet for the first entry but seeing as its 1am now and Christmas Day I should probably attempt to sleep so Santa can come ;)

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas filled with family, love, joy and a shit ton of food!!
Get your fat pants out and get ready to roll into the new year!!

Annie May

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