12 Random Things About Me


12 Random Things about me:

  1. I don’t like getting flowers. Scratch that, I DESPISE getting flowers. They remind me of funerals. Bring me cupcakes, bring me a well-loved book, bring me a bottle of water, just don’t bring me flowers.

  2. I'm a travel junkie. I prefer my trips third world and dirty, but will go absolutely everywhere.

  3. I love cooking. I blame my mom. She’s an exceptional cook, and when I was little, on the rare occasion that we’d go out to eat, we’d play the “taste this, and recreate it at home” game. We’d both taste the dish and try to figure out the ingredients, and then try it out at home. This was before the Internet was user-friendly and before all the restaurant had “copy-cat” sites.

  4. I think the sexiest part of a man is his brain. If you can’t hold your own in a debate, challenge me to my very core, stay up for hours discussing religion, politics, current events, social injustice, movies, books, etc, than I’m just not that into you.

  5. I live with the belief that there is very little that a long walk and a glass of red wine can’t fix.

  6. I have a bad habit of reading 4-5 different books all at the same time. Different books for different moods.

  7. I have terrible cell phone manners. First of all, I rarely remember to bring my cell phone with me. On the off chance it’s on me, it’s not likely to be charged. If it’s both with me and charged, I almost never feel like answering it. Please don’t take it personally. It’s not you, it’s me. Really. If you need to get my attention, email me.

  8. My favorite thing to do is laugh. The unstoppable, deep-from-within-your-gut, giggling for DAYS after variety. I especially love physical comedy.

  9. I’ll always choose comfort over style. I’m a worn-in jeans, UGGs, soft-old-sweatshirt kind of girl. My husband finds that sexy.

  10. Tea is a pretty amazing thing. I love having a glass of iced tea ready for my husband when he walks in the door. I love having a cup of chai tea with my grandma. I love having the girls (and guys) over for some tea and conversation. I love sipping on green tea and surfing the web. I love a cup of herbal tea before bed. I’m kind of obsessed.

  11. I’m not vegetarian, but I probably should be. I don’t care for the taste or texture of meat, and I’ve never met a vegetable I didn’t love.

  12. I’m a hopeless romantic. Hand-holding, long walks on the beach, fireplaces, candle-lit dinners, the whole deal. Except flowers. See #1.

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