Health War: Eating One Egg a Day Is Linked With a Seriously Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Forget apples – it could be an egg a day that keeps the doctor away. That's according to new research from China, published in the journal Heart.

Results showed the people who had eggs daily had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease overall.

Up to one egg a day was associated with a 26 percent lower risk of haemorrhagic stroke, a 28 percent lower risk of dying from a haemorrhagic stroke, and an 18 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

There was also a 12 percent reduced risk of ischaemic heart disease for people eating about five eggs a week, compared to people who are them rarely.

Ever since the American Heart Association declared eggs bad for you 40 years ago there's been a huge disinformation campaign against eggs and even though the data shows eggs are actually one of the best food you can eat there's still this disinformation campaign going on in some "health" food chains like Subway with their egg white breakfast sandwiches.

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Put down that egg-white omelet. Whole eggs aren't going to give you a heart attack.

So says the government now, after 40 years of warning that eggs are killing you, and funding bad research to "confirm" that they do, and employing experts to shout down nutritionists who say they don't.

In Fact, egg whites offer very little nutritional value and almost all the good stuff is located in the yolk.

Eggs have a complicated history in the media. They are a major source of dietary cholesterol, which meant they were assumed to be bad for us for a while.

But more recent research found they actually help raise your 'good' cholesterol, also called High-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is an important component of all our cells, and actually helps remove other harmful forms of cholesterol from your bloodstream.

Eggs are also full of protein, vitamins, and bioactive components like phospholipids which are found in all cell membranes.

One egg also contains 35 percent of your daily choline, which is an important nutrient for cognitive function, and might protect against Alzheimer's disease.

Eggs are high in saturated fats which actually increase your good cholesterol while not increasing the bad cholesterol either. There's actually a lot of data that shows vegetable oils that contain large amounts of unsaturated fats increase your bad cholesterol and also trans fats like in margarine have been shown to increase the bad cholesterol too

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Countless studies have shown that people who eat more vegetable oils have lower cholesterol than people who eat a lot of saturated fats. And other studies connected lower cholesterol with lower risk of heart troubles. The other elements central to the popular Mediterranean diet, such as nuts and fresh produce and fish, are highly nutritious, to boot. But in a study published in the BMJ, researchers re-analyzed data from older unpublished studies and found the link between vegetable oil and heart health may not hold. They revealed that it’s possible that too much vegetable oil could actually increase the risk of heart disease — rather than decrease it.

There's lots of studies out there that say all sorts of good and bad things about eggs but when you look at it from the perspective of nature things can become more clear. Nature says humans and other animals have been eating eggs for millions of years while vegetable oils and margarine are heavily processed food that big agriculture has produced only for the last 100 years. There's very little money promoting nature while there's billions promoting big agriculture food products. My bet is on nature and most of these studies against eggs and saturated fats are probably funded by universities that get millions of dollars from big agriculture companies and are bias towards the manufactured food.


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