Finding Joy in Making Simple Dog Treats At Home!


Our dogs really love....

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Here's How I Do It

First step...

I wash the sweet potato and slice the potato with a slicer. A slicer helps me get the thin pieces.
Next, lay the slices on parchment paper on a cookie sheet.

Time To Bake!

Slide them in the oven on a low setting until they are crispy. I usually set the oven to 250.

Final thoughts...

I love these treats and so do the dogs. No I don't personally eat them, although I could. I love them because they are easy and cheap. Let's not forget Healthy and all natural. Doesn't that sound fancy.
I find Joy in doing things for our family that are both healthy and cheap.
Give it a try and see if your doggies love them too.

Here's a video my husband @daddykirbs did about another dog treat recipe our puppies love!

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Mamakirbs working daily @findingjoy

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