Planting some garden seeds indoors

Its time to start planting some seeds!


I am planting some spring seeds today! I am 'sow' excited. I always make sheets of what I plant, and also where I plan on planting them in my gardens. This way I have a hard copy at home, a picture on my phone, and on my pc. This way, I am sure not to loose, or forget what is where.

Today I will be planting in a flat, and only using 60% of the tray. I will save the other 4 sections for another post, possibly tomorrow. I start by adding coconut husk, peat moss, and vermiculite. I moisten the soil a little for now, but not too much. I then take a pencil and make a little hole for the seed/s to go into. After I plant the seeds in their designated areas, I take some additional soil mixture and sprinkle over the top.

After I am all done, I water them up real good, and place them on my shelves with full spectrum lighting. They will germinate fairly quickly with the light from the shelf underneath keeping them warm also. I will plant these in about 3-4 weeks right outside when we are expecting a few shady days in a row.

Here is a few follow ups from posts I did in the past week or two.

Morning glorys from seeds are popping up!


venus fly traps, still nothing yet


Thanks for looking at my post, I appreciate your time. Feel free to check out my blog @amos811

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