Midweek Wednesday: An Unexpected Trip


The breathtaking sugarcane famlands of Medellin, Cebu.

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page," says St. Augustine, one of the early church fathers and doctor of the church. Whether you agree with him (St. Augustine) or not, we all need a daily dose of travel in our veins once in a while.

Looking at my phone, it was around two o'clock in the afternoon. Still feeling dizzy from my sleep. I decided not to get up yet; trying to get my bearings straight.

My wife was also asleep together with my daughter. The afternoon heat was intense. There was little to almost no wind blowing around. The weather was humid and hot.

Right around this time I was just staring at the ceiling, wondering and pondering things that were bothering me, sort of. Anyways, I was just letting my mind go blank. Well of course, procrastinating again.

Then out of nowhere, I heard a shout. The voice was familiar. It was may wife's voice.

"Hey!" she shouted. I turned around to look at her.

"We should go to town now, " she exclaimed. "I have something to buy in a thrift store there."

"Isn't it already late in the afternoon?" I replied.

"Well, technically yes. but we will just be quick there. Would you go or not?" she asked with a stern look on her face.

"Yeah, no problem. Give me a few minutes. I'll have to feed the chickens first."

I immediately got out of my bed. Went outside the house and headed straight to our backyard.

The chickens were already hungry, I can tell. Every time they see me around they all get excited to see their master. Seeing them being fed and taken care of makes me feel happy because I know they enjoy their food.

After that, I went inside the house. My daughter was already awake.

"Papa!" she said smiling as she saw me approach her. She wants to go with us too. Makes me laugh seeing her excited as she was already dressed up by her mother.

Then we got dressed and ready to go. We left the house. I checked everything to see if I had not left something, because sometimes we forget to bring the things we are supposed to bring.


Time to gas up before the ride.


At the famous aisle of Medellin.

We arrived at Bogo City an hour after. We went to the wet market to buy some fresh poultry cuts.


Bogo City intersection near Fairbank Main Office.


Some fresh dressed chicken at Bogo public market.

Then we headed for the thrift store. It was there that we spent a considerable amount of time. (My wife's definition of a quick time is an hour and a half). She was looking for a particular item that can only be found at that store. If you're wondering what that item was, don't ask me. I don't ask her either.


You can find a lot of items here at a surprisingly bargain price.

Finally, after an agonizing time of waiting for her, we left the store. The sun is already setting. I need to speed up our travel time so that we can arrive home a little earlier.


View from the outside at the thrift store.

As we were travelling, my daughter unexpected said she was hungry and wanted to eat. Luckily for us we were traversing the Medellin-Kawait-Daanbantayan road, so we headed straight for the Medellin Docksides.

By the time we get there, the dockside was already open for business. My wife and I decided to have a short respite, so we went straight to the area.


The place was calm and inviting.


Barbecue cooked on the grill over live coals.

We ordered a few pieces of barbecue and some Chinese egg rolls. As we wait for our food to be cooked, we watched a group of women preparing for Zumba.


Yep, they are getting ready.

When the food was done cooking, it was time to eat. The food was good as I expected. Not bad for its price point.


The food was ready.


Chicken intestines on skewers.


Chinese egg rolls with chili and cheese.


Pork barbecue on skewers.

After the meal, we went home feeling full and satisfied. Until next time!


Home at last.

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