First $RAVEN Holders Drop is HERE!


Hello everybody, hello my fellow $RAVEN Holders! 😊

How are you doing?

I´m good! I took a weekend off from most of the internet and Hive, and this was eally good. I normally work 12 hours a day in front of a screen, so sometimes this break is really important! We were at a bachelorette party on saturday for 15 hours and it was so much fun!! 9 girls at the same place, this felt so good after such a long time in lock down! 😃
But I am still quite wasted to be honest haha!

So guys, I am very excited about my whole project with the $RAVENcoin and the NFTs. This is all as new to me as to you, and there is pretty much that I learn every day about this and still need to learn for my future ideas! And I also hope to be able to get more usecases for my NFTs in the future, so that you guys can really USE them, and not only collect them.

I already had a meeting today because someone plans to make my music as NFTs and use it in a WAX game. This is pretty cool, and I am excited to see what will be the outcome of this. And hopefully I can connect this to my own NFTs in the future. 😄

Well, let´s start with the first drop for my fellow $RAVEN Holders!

This is my first attempt to make this an automated drop, so I don´t have to send every single NFT to everyones wallets in the future. 😂
Let´s hope this works. Please let me know, if you have any problem with claiming your NFT!
Feedback at this early stage is very important for me, to optimize this all as fast as possible.

So guys, please use this link to claim your first drop, the NFT version of my animated $RAVENcoin!

If everything works right, only whitelisted Wax Wallet addresses can claim this NFT, and only 1 copy each! So please, if you can claim more than 1, please be so kind and let me know! Thank you!

Further on, you can claim your badge, depending on how many $RAVEN you hold here! (CLICK ON THE BADGE TO GO TO THE DROPS PAGE)

Badge Ravencoin Diamond Tier.png
Badge Ravencoin Platinum Tier.png
Badge Ravencoin Gold Tier.png

So please make sure to claim 2 NFTs. This badge will be helping me to make different lists, so I can automatically create whitelists for future drops, based on the badge you guys hold.
I hope to be having more possibilities in the future to automate even more. But this is a learning process and a long journey, so it will need to be done like this for now.

DIAMOND (39 RAVEN or more)PLATINUM (13 RAVEN or more)GOLD (1 RAVEN or more)
@newigennity@theacks @bacon-dub@pizzaexpress @successchar @tdctunes @cryptoniusrex @allonyx.ngs @arkasz @h3m4n7 @trashyomen @thinkrdotexe @bambukah @maakue @b4phom3t @chaosmagic23 @steevc @chireerocks @proto26 @musicuniversity @hurtlocker @thekittygirl @stayoutoftherz @polarmystro @mcgilli @dibblers.dabs @jfuji @creodas @nyxlabs @efastromberg94 @pixiepost @thebeardflex @creepyarts @blitzzzz @hivetrending @huzzah @cooperclub
1 DIAMOND Holder2 PLATINUM Holders34 GOLD Holders
Thanks guys for beeing so patient and for supporting me in this very early stage of the project, and for making it possible for me to be able to finally build my own big NFT empire! 😄

Please let me know, if you have any issues, so we can fix them for you!

Best regards,


Raven Divider2.png

I am very thankful for everyone who supports me on my journey!!

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