A Beautiful Day

Hello Foodies,

Happy Monday to all. A new week of the July month has been officially started with positive vibes at my end. We are having a pretty awesome weather and I'll share the Sky look later in my post. In my 2nd previous post, I mentioned few seasonal fruits which were most and least favourite of mine. Now I'm using those fruits regularly before they got rotten. I prepared mango milkshake with an Icecream for me and my hubby while he only liked to eat Lychee which is about to finish.

I took a random picture when I was about to drink. I do not like eating mangoes with fork or hands, I always prefer to convert this fruit to something which can easily be eaten and consumed.


Yesterday was a bit Sunny plus cloudy day but still, I managed to record a drink video which is also seasonal. I took Java Plum out of fridge and start converting that fruit to a juice along with sprite. I just loved this colour and combo. I'll share its recipe soon over here that how I prepared.


It was a Pretty awesome Sky yesterday evening that we enjoyed a lot. I hardly seen such amazing colours of the Sky where all clouds covered the sky completely in white and blakish clouds. I took this picture from the one side of my home while there were more colours on my other side which can be seen difficultly due to other people rooftops. There were Sun setting in the dark orange colour. Well, this was also too good to enjoy. Have a look please..



"Follow @foodchunk for more such recipes"

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💃 I blog about food recipes that are tested and tried. Follow me if you have the same niche. I would love to have a connection with you. 💃

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