Self-votes aren't rational

Until some weeks ago I regularly upvoted my own posts (1 or 2 per week). I thought "if the price continues to fall, at least, by upvoting myself I can reduce the damage".

Then I realized that my yearly return (in %) in Hive is relatively high (via curation), perhaps too high, and by attributing my upvotes exclusively to other content I can incentivize more contributors to take part in this great adventure (Hive) bringing long-term value to this community.

So I stopped that self-upvoting.

The curation reward is rather high, perhaps too high. It is more lucrative for Hive holders to incentivize others to produce content. Compare:

  • By adding a certain potential of my upvote power to myself, I increase my revenue (in Hive terms) by 1-5% per year. But if Hive falls, I rather lose.
  • If users join Hive, the price reacts rather strongly (exponentially). Though there may be free-riding, every (tiny) amount of Hive not used for self-upvotes, increases the value of our ecosystem, at least marginally. In an exponential setting (social media), even tiny contributions can have a big impact.

So, I find it rational to forgo some percentages of income via self-upvotes, and to maximize the incentivation of creators/writers, thereby increasing the incentive/motivation of not-yet-Hivers (I call them nyH) to post here. Plus, I don’t try to optimize my curation rewards, but try to upvote undervalued content.

I am here for the long term.

Enjoy your evening!

also interesting: @niallon11/ads-on-hive-blog-add-value-to-the-token-price-rather-than-take-it-away

and here one of the best introduceyourselfs I have ever read (by @oladele-art):
"I joined the Hive community to explore, learn, meet people and also to impact lives with my representations and teach the little I know when it comes to creativity.
Joining this Blockchain, it's all as a result of the talks I had with a member @mattsanthonyit who explained every bit and edges of the Hive Blockchain to me. I am here to stay, learn and make a future in Hive Blockchain and I am so sure I won't have any regret joining because I see how much at my mentor has grown in the Blockchain.
I will like to appreciate @mattsanthonyit for bringing me on into this Blockchain. Tha k you so much. I really appreciate.
I am really glad to be here and I am ready to mingle with everyone so as to learn and build the future together."

I like his motivation, humbleness, optimism and open-mindedness.
That's what I'm here for.

Bis vor einigen Wochen habe ich regelmäßig meine eigenen Posts upgevotet (1-2 pro Woche). Ich dachte, "wenn der Preis weiter sinkt, kann ich durch Self-Upvotes zumindest den Schaden verringern".

Dann wurde mir klar, dass meine jährliche Rendite (in %) in Hive relativ hoch ist (durch Curation), vielleicht zu hoch, und indem ich meine Upvotes ausschließlich für anderen Inhalt einsetze, kann ich mehr Leute dazu inzentivieren, an diesem großartigen Abenteuer (Hive) teilzunehmen und mit ihnen zusammen langfristigen Wert für diese Gemeinschaft schaffen.

Also mache ich keine Self-Upvotes mehr.

Die Curation rewards sind hoch genug, vielleicht zu hoch. Für Hive-Holder ist es lukrativer, andere zu motivieren, Content zu posten. Vergleich:

  • Indem ich mir einen Teil meiner Upvote-Power selbst zukommen lasse, erhöhe ich meine Rendite (in Hive) um 1-5% pro Jahr. Aber wenn Hive fällt, verliere ich insgesamt.
  • Wenn neue Personen Hive beitreten, reagiert der Preis ziemlich stark (exponentiell). Obwohl es Free-riding geben kann, erhöht jede (winzige) Menge Hive, die nicht für Self-Upvotes verwendet wird, den Wert unseres Ökosystems, zumindest geringfügig. In einer exponentiellen Umgebung (social media) können selbst winzige Beiträge einen großen Einfluss haben.

Daher finde ich es rational, auf einige Prozent an jährlicher Rendite durch Selbst-Upvotes zu verzichten und den Anreiz von Creators / Autoren zu maximieren. Dies könnte den Anreiz für "Noch-nicht-Hiver (ich nenne sie nyH) erhöhen, hier zu posten. Außerdem versuche ich nicht, meine Curation Rewards zu optimieren, sondern versuche unterbewertete Inhalte upzuvoten.

I'm here for the long term.

Enjoy your evening!

Ebenfalls interessant: @niallon11/ads-on-hive-blog-add-value-to-the-token-price-rather-than-take-it-away

und hier eines der besten introduceyourselfs, die ich bisher gelesen habe:
"I joined the Hive community to explore, learn, meet people and also to impact lives with my representations and teach the little I know when it comes to creativity.
Joining this Blockchain, it's all as a result of the talks I had with a member @mattsanthonyit who explained every bit and edges of the Hive Blockchain to me. I am here to stay, learn and make a future in Hive Blockchain and I am so sure I won't have any regret joining because I see how much at my mentor has grown in the Blockchain.
I will like to appreciate @mattsanthonyit for bringing me on into this Blockchain. Tha k you so much. I really appreciate.
I am really glad to be here and I am ready to mingle with everyone so as to learn and build the future together."

Ich mag diese Motivation, Bescheidenheit, Optimismus und Offenheit.
Diese Werte sind das Gegenteil von dem, was man auf Facebook & Co findet.

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