"Good" Tired

I'm exhausted, beat, tired, but overall happy, with the way things have been going lately. "Good" tired I call it. I've been so busy that I almost forgot I had a Hive account, and was determined to share something on it today, come Hell or high water, as they say.

I have a couple of new desks including an almost "V" shaped one and a standing desk that I've been putting together. Everyone who writes a lot should have one to avoid sitting too long, so I'm glad I now have it.

New mini computers, a couple of monitors and their associated boom arms (but not Meesterboom's arm! Which is currently "probing" a pretty intern or two! ;) all needed to be put together.

Putting It All Together

Picked up some new mics (a condenser and a dynamic) as well as a mixer or two. Almost invested in a vocal booth, but thought $399 was a bit too rich for my blood. Got a couple of those kits that can turn your laptop into three screens, but have yet to unbox them. Despite all that, I'm slowly assembling this podcasting/blogging studio bit by bit.

Also saw a microscope camera, and have yet to unbox it, along with a light box to take photos of little objects with and use them in my Hive posts. So yeah, there's a lot going on, but in a good way.

I've had several more people I just met tell me that I have a voice that would be good for podcasting. And while that's all nice and good, one must first narrow down a subject to talk about. So while I'm assembling all of this gear, I'm weighing my interests and will see where things land when the time comes.

But what I'm happiest about right now is that after three weeks, I was finally able to write another post on Hive. Twitter is my fire and brimstone place, but Hive is where I'm at peace and the most creative. Aren't you glad we have a place such as this? :)

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