Treasure Every Day

Treasure Every Day @EverNoticeThat

I've been sitting here for the past few days following the news of the sub that lost contact with its mothership while descending to the Titanic. My prayers are with their families, and I hope for a miracle as things aren't looking too good right now. We had one happy ending recently with children that were found alive weeks after a plane crash, and I can only hope and pray that we have another.

This all reminds me of the time I fell over the railings of my ship late at night during stormy seas while in the navy. In the blog post: Life is Precious #8 - The Night I Almost Died, Yet Learned To Live..., I shared the full horror of being tossed overboard in the dead of night while hanging on with my fingers for dear life.

It took a lot out of me as I re-lived the entire experience moment by moment, all over again. But I wanted to get it down on the blockchain in the hope that it might inspire someone else when they needed it the most.

I've got my fingers crossed in hope for those five brave souls, but I know just how unforgiving the sea can be. My mishap occurred in the North Atlantic Ocean as well, and I recall the second-by-second fight to ignore the impulse to just give up, let go, and slide into the seemingly endless depths of the ocean.

What kept me going? The will to live, my family,. and the thought of my lonely blessed grandmother having no one to visit her (who wasn't seeking money like my other grifter family members). She would be heartbroken if I let go of that railing...

So I held on.

If you read that Hive post from three years ago, you'll see that only one person responded; good ol' left the only comment, and I was so grateful that he did. At least SOMEBODY saw it.

Two years later on Memorial Day, 2022, I wrote Part two Life is Precious #8 - The Night I Almost Died, Yet Learned To Live... (Part 2). I poured my heart into that post, but this time no one responded, not even a member of the Hive veterans community. So I had to hope someone found it on Google or through my Twitter account(s) where I have much more reach than I've ever had after six years on Hive.

But I have faith that the words will find those that need them when the time is right.

when I joined the Navy, they said I qualified for Sub School in Groton, Connecticut. I told the recruiter that there was no way in seven hell's they were getting me aboard a craft where you could hear the pressure on the walls as that thing descended. It was bad enough being on a ship! But at least there I had a fighting chance.

And that's what I hope for with those five people trapped aboard that tiny sub in the vast Atlantic Ocean. Lord, give those people a fighting chance, but if that is not to be, I know you'll welcome them into the bright light of your warm embrace when their journey is complete.

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