Chill, and Just Keep Creating...

Chill, and Just Keep Creating... @EverNoticeThat

Next month I'll mark my sixth year here on what is now known as Hive (7 if you count the year I spent lurking since Spring/early Summer 2016). Since I have this tiny window of time available to post right now, I decided to bang out a short (for me) post about an OG's perspective on the token and how we look at things over time.

One of the benefits of doing anything for a long time is that you tend to see the peaks and valleys in the token price as just that; Peaks and valleys. Unless the Aliens have finally landed and started abducting Hiveians en masse, or something catastrophic has occurred with the fundamentals of Hive on the blockchain, I have one piece of advice:


See if you're new, you might freak out, not realizing the CYCLICAL nature of things on the blockchain and finance in general. A dip in price can be a great opportunity to stack more $HIVE, and is one of the ways the whales built their stake i the first place. I should know, I watched them do it. :)

And so a wise Hiveian will keep his powder dry, and pounce on this temporary "sale" of the token, and that's exactly how you should be looking at it.

And while this isn't financial advice (just the ramblings of a sleep-deprived Hiveian at 1:48 AM), always do your due diligence you know, in case those aliens have actually landed and begun snatching up those plump, juicy block(chain)heads for later consumption.

Just remember that even AAPL was at $12 a share at one time. I read that Steve finally gave up trying to woo Wall St. and decided to continue creating great products and win over the customer instead. That's exactly what we should be ding here. Ride out those cycles and JUST KEEP CREATING.

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Image Credit: [1] @EverNoticeThat Created using Canva.

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