The Two Intruders | Shook Chapter 23

Previous Part:
True Blue | Shook Chapter 22

The journey to Maine was finally Over. Dyan was sound asleep in her new metal cell bunk when...


Dyan woke up to hearing voices whispering.

She rolled over to the window to see dark thin clouds sitting atop an orange sunrise between the evergreens.

No one was in this room with her, yet she heard more faint whispering. Shoes echoed across the floor downstairs. The stomps were harder and faster than Madalia walked. Now Dyan stiffened up. Just who was here and moving around this early?

She quietly jogged out to the balcony that overlooked the living room and listened to what the people were saying.

“Why’d we have to wake up this early?”

“Because we’re on a top-secret mission!”

“Yeah, but where’ Dyan at?”

“I don’t know, but we’d better find her soon.”

Two voices swatted back and forth with each other. How did they know about her? Dyan’s eyes widened for a second. Was that-? No, it can’t be them. But it sounded like them! How can this be!?

She thought maybe she was just hearing things and then the microwave hummed to life.

Dyan took fast breaths from her mouth. She yanked her outside clothes on while she stalled to think of a plan. If robbers had invaded the house, she had to be prepared. But how? She had no weapon. She’d have to get one, as she couldn’t stay upstairs and wait for them to find her.

She tiptoed downstairs. Thank goodness the stairs were covered in fluffy white carpeting. She looked towards the kitchen, where she saw the light flicker on. Dyan cringed as she saw a shadow pass by.

She glanced at the fireplace, then back at the thin archway, that led into the kitchen. Since since the intruders where most likely by the microwave, they weren’t anywhere near the kitchen entrance, which meant if Dyan stayed in the darkness, she probably couldn’t be seen.

She ran to the side of the fireplace most in the shadows and grabbed the fire poker leaning at its side.

She held it like a sword, and then ran to the side of the kitchen and pinned herself flat against the wall. She cringed at how loud she'd been. Whoever was in there stopped talking, their tall shadow gliding across the floor.

Now was the time to go in, while she still had the element of surprise. Dyan’s heart was hammering. She then gripped the fire poker tight.

She took a breath in and out. She would mentally count down from five, and then will herself to go in the kitchen.

Five. four. Three. Two. ONE!

Dyan hopped in front of the archway with the fire poker outstretched. “Who are you!?”


The one with plane blue hair scrambled and hid behind the table. The one with light blue hair pointed and yelled “Don’t come any closer! I can throw fireballs!”

Dyan then stood up straighter and stared at the two. “Azure? Wild Yonder?”

“Dyan!” Azure ran from behind the table and tackled her into a hug.

Find out what happens next in the next part!

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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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