True Blue | Shook Chapter 22

Previous Part:
I Am Spirit | Shook Chapter 21 Part 5

With everything happening in Maine, no one thought about the rest of the family back at home...


After a day of playing with dolls in a silent, empty house, True decided she didn’t like playing Small Family, and she wanted her siblings back.

When Dad had left, he took almost the entire family with him, leaving just True, Teal, Mom and Bear. True had made life into a survival game, where she pretended it had always been just her and her small family with their trusty dog. They were all counting on True to make it in this big wide world, and so True had spent all afternoon ‘making money’ being a pilot, a fairy, and even a princess to help the family get by. But she missed watching cooking tournaments with Royal, or having Maya chase her begging not to be tattled on. She missed having Navy to ask about anything and everything. She missed having Dyan tell her silly stories at night. She even missed the boy twins…. for whatever reason that was.

Bear also wasn’t in the mood to play all day.

Dinner was rice, chicken and cabbage, and it just wasn’t the same with just her and Mom and Teal.

Even Mom seemed sad. She sighed and stared at the picture on the wall. This made True turn too. It was the picture taken when Dyan got on the news for her famous book. Her whole family had bright, big smiles with Bear on the right side of them. Dyan was in the middle holding her book, having a smile so big her cheeks looked round and bouncy. This made True feel weird, thinking about how sad and teary-eyed Dyan had looked when she left. If she had known Dyan was going to be so sad when she left, True wouldn’t have been so mean to her when she busted her lip.

True had turned back to the table and Mom was still looking at the picture. True was about to say something about it when Mom said “True, after dinner, get dressed.”

“Where are we going?” True asked, taking her plate and sliding out of her chair.

“To Maine.” Mom got up and grabbed Bear’s leash off the hook. When Bear saw this, his tail began to wag and his collar tags jingled as he trotted over to Mom.

“We’re to give your siblings a more personal goodbye before they go off to boarding school and give Dyan a gift because we’re sorry. Well, because I’m sorry.”

“For what?” True scrunched up her face.

“For abandoning her like that. Foster-kid life isn’t easy, and I made her pack all her things in a garbage bag. How heartless could I be?

Mrs. Blue told True of the gift she would get Dyan.

“Oh, that’s smart, she really needs one of those!” True felt so happy she danced, even if there was no music.

Mom smiled for the first time that day. “What’s got you in such a good mood?”

“We get to see Dyan again!” True jumped.

“And your siblings before they go to school if we hurry! Com'on, it’s going to be a long night, but if we’re quick we’ll be there by morning!”

As Mom walked upstairs, True rushed in front of her towards her room. Forget being bored, True had a new game! She was now an adventurer on her way to Maine!

Find out what happens next in the next part!

New to Shook? You can find the chapter archive in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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