The Real Spirit | Shook Chapter 20 Part 3

Previous Part:
The Airport Trio | Shook Chapter 20 Part 2

Mr.Blue and Maya go with Dyan to send her off to her plane to Maine. Dyan has one last thing to say to Maya before it's too late...


They walked in silence, and made their way to the waiting area for Augusta without saying much more than directions.

“You’d both better use the bathroom if you need to since there’s one close by,” Mr. Blue nodded over to a sign down the hall with a bathroom symbol above it.

In the bathroom, as Dyan washed her hands, she looked over to Maya, who was looking down at her sudsy hands. Dyan tried not to stare at her grayish-blue hair, but she wondered if Maya noticed that a lot of color had drained from it.

By how she'd been so quiet, Dyan figured Maya was angry at her for getting her into trouble. Maybe it was best not to say anything.

I can’t just disappear without saying one last thing to Maya. She's the one who invited me to stay. Fought for me to stay, Dyan thought.

“I’ll miss you Maya.” Dyan said.

Maya's dull stare crumbled into a frown. “I’ll miss you too, so much!” Maya said, which made Dyan relieved. So Maya wasn’t holding a grudge!

“I don’t know how I’m gonna deal with Maine,” Dyan said.

“Scared of what will be there?” Maya rinsed her hands.

“Well, kinda. The new foster home itself isn’t scary. All I need is a space where I can be alone to write, and I should be good. I’m a little nervous about getting on the plane alone, but now that I’ve been on a plane before, I’m not so scared. There may be bullies at my new school, but I’m not too worried about them, either. If I stood up to Cecilia, I can stand up to anyone right?”

“Right!” Maya nodded. “Wow, you’ve really thought about this whole trip extra carefully,”

“It was all I could think about last night. But I’m not as afraid as I thought I’d be. I just keep reminding myself of what I’ve already been through, and so it doesn’t seem so scary.” Dyan admitted.

“See, you’re getting less fearful!” Maya headed over to the paper towel machine on the wall. “Even if you based Spirit off of me, I think you’re more like Spirit than I am.”

Dyan looked at Maya with wrinkled eyebrows. She was immediately taken back to that trip to Arizona, when Maya was sketching Spirit.

“There is someone else Spirit reminds me of. Y’know, besides me. She reminds me of you.” Maya had said. Dyan wouldn’t have it. Dyan had technically created Maya, and her and Spirit were one in the same thing. Spirit couldn’t possibly be Dyan. Spirit was cool. Spirit was fearless. Spirit was everything Dyan…wanted to be.

Knowledge of this bloomed in Dyan’s mind as she dried her wet hands with the air machine at the sink. “There is no way Spirit is more like me. She’s fearless, and has Blue hair!”

“Flight 3745 to Augusta is now boarding,” The intercom spoke.

The girls looked at each other with wide eyes.


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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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