Man Down | Shook Chapter 24 Part 3

Previous Part:
The Chase Is On | Shook Chaper 24 Part 2

Dyan and the Blue brothers are off to meet Maya at the bridge! Only problem is they have to cross it, and that bull moose is back...


Dyan and the boys ran down the main road, woods surrounding either side of them. The scenery made Dyan think of the time she had run away from Miss Moleti’s house, though it hadn’t been freezing when she had done so. A truck engine stuttered nearby.

“That has to be Maya! We’re almost there!” Navy yelled between breaths, and Dyan filled with excitement.

She could see the bridge in view, but right on the side of the bridge licking the road was the big bull moose Dyan had seen yesterday. He neck flew up and he stared at the team as they raced closer and closer.

Dyan slowed down, her heart hammering.

The boys glanced at her and slowed down as well.

“What’s wrong?” asked Wild Yonder.

“It’s… it’s that big moose from yesterday!” Dyan screamed. She kept her eyes on the moose, it’s head turned to one side.

“Woah,” said Azure, who couldn’t unstick his eyes from the creature either. “Will it let us pass?”

“I…I don’t know! I don’t think so, since it nearly charged me and my taxi driver yesterday…” Dyan said. Dyan thought about the situation closely. What was she most afraid of? It chasing her!

The engine got louder and the moose's head swiveled to the other side of the bridge. A big blue truck came into view, and the dim shadow of a girl behind the wheel.

“Maya!” Dyan yelled aloud and waved. Maya waved to, but quickly slammed her hand back on the wheel as the truck began to creep forward.

Maya was on the other side of the bridge! The next chapter of Dyan’s life was on the other side of the bridge. And all she had to do was get past the huge bull moose.

When Dyan spoke, all the boys' heads swiveled to her. “We’ll slowly walk past the moose to the other side. If he starts to follow, run like heck.”

The boys looked amongst each other with wrinkled foreheads and unsure frowns. But they had no choice. After all, how else would they get to Maya before Madalia or worse caught them?

The four slowly walk onto the bridge.

As fast as a heartbeat the moose turned back to them.

Dyan glanced at everyone. Navy was staring straight ahead. Wild Yonder was looking down. Azure was staring at the moose with his mouth opened a crack.

“Azure! Quit staring!” Dyan whispered.

“Azure if you don’t-” Wild Yonder yanked his brother’s shoulder and Azure looked forward, gulping.

The moose watched their every move, turning slowly as they approached him.

Dyan’s whole body felt weak as they clung to the opposite side of the bridge as the moose. If it had been taller than the car she rode in, she knew it could easily trample them all, and the thought made her realize how fragile her life really was.

The truck was only maybe eight large skips away, and Dyan could see True and Royal’s faces getting more and more detailed as she got closer to the truck.

Soon the four were past him by a little. Then they past him by a lot, and finally, they were near the truck at the end of the bridge.

“We're doing it! We're doing it!” Azure whispered loudly.

Wild Yonder hit him at the same time Dyan shushed him. “Shut up!”

The moose turned to face the children with his eyes bulging out the side of his head like tiny globes. His eyes were so wide, Dyan could see the whites around his dark irises. Her heart beat faster as a familiar chill flew through her body.

The moose put it’s head down and began to swipe at the ground with one of it’s front paws.

“RUUUUUUUUNNN!” Dyan yelled as she sped off and the three boys followed up.

Navy was right at Dyan’s side, their feet pounding against the wooden planks. Azure dashed ahead of them. Royal quickly shoved open the truck door for Azure who practically flew inside.

Dyan heard a scrape and then a “HEEELP!” from behind her.

Find out what happens next in the next part!

New to Shook? You can find the chapter archive in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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