Bob The Blobs Adventure - Part 8


Hello my friends to part 7 of Bob the Blobs Adventures. For those of you that don't know what this is, it is my own story here on Hive. If you would like to go to the first part here it is Part 1. And the last part, was Part 7

Hello guys right back back at ya with another Bob the Blobs Adventures. Before we get to it I would like to mentioned to my Dad for inspiring me to do this writing.

Now on to:

Bob The Blobs Adventures - Part 8

The Blob Squad

On the previous week Dorathey was just relaxing at home and then she say that she was running out of food in the pantry. The motherly mother set out to go and buy more things.

While she was on her great quest she stumbled upon an amazing little Blobcouple. Millenda and Garlard. They had said that they knew of Bob. They started to talk. She got really worried about Bob.

Dorathey had heard rumors from her friends that the Bounty Hunters were after her. So she asked if Millenda and Garlard would look for Bob. They said that they would find him an bring him back to her for a talk.

And so the stars aligned and they just happened to arrive at that exact time with a goofy litte blob.
''Oh Bob, I am so happy you are here!" said Dorathey squeezing him tight.

"Thank you Millenda and Garlard!"

"Your very welcome."said Millenda.

"If you need us there is a wind mill not to far north of here, thats where the two of us live, grunted Garland rolling up his fishing rod. "We'll be on our way, ge grunted again.

As the couple started to walk away, Bob ran up to them.

"Wait!" He said. He ran up to them and gave them a big hug. "I am coming with you guys." Said Bob.

"Amazing." Said Dorathey. "I am coming with you too!"

"Blob Squad, Haha!" Bob exclaimed

"A Blob Squad, Bob?" Asked Dorathey. She looked at Bob smiling.

"Ya, like a squad of four Blobs. I'm really smart." Said Bob proudly, doing a little hop and dance.

"If you say so." Said Dorothay happily.

They all laughed, even Garland who was a grumpy old fart.

"When we get to the windmill. I need to talk to Bob in private if that is OK with you, Mellinda?" Asked Dorathey.

"That is quite fine." Answered Millenda.

And so they started heading north to the windmill. Along the way to the new Blob Squad Base, Bob picked up a squirrel and named it Beanz.

That was completely off subject. Let's get back to the walking. It's really just walking. After some time of walking they got the Windmill and started to pack out their stuff. As the sun made way for the moon and the stars came out to do whatever stars like to do. The blobs finally packed out their stuff.

"And then I lifted my fishing rod and it was the biggest fish I had ever Seen in all of my years at sea. I made a lot of money selling the fish. Aye." Garland made gestures as he told his story to Bob.

"Excuse me?" Dorathey interrupted. "Would you mind if I just spoke to Bob for a moment?"

"Alright. Off you go." garldand said.

Dorathey took Bob to the back of the windmill.

"I have something very serious to talk to you about." Dorathey said.

"What is it mom?" Bob asked.

There was a moment of silence. As Dorathey looked into Bob's eyes a cool wind howled, shaking the trees and bushes.

"You're Dad is alive... and is coming to Goowey Mountain. He is looking for you!"

The End.

That's the end... of this part.

Don't fall asleep... I mean - See you next time!

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7

Watch list - I am inviting everyone to read my story. Please let me know if I can tag you in the next one or not!
@pixelhuntersam, @jasperdick, @zakludick, @clairemobey, @matthew-williams, @aimeludick, @blitzzzz, @loadreaper, @lex-zaiya, @tylorman, @therneau

Thank you to my dad, @zakludick for helping me with the cover. We used Image by upklyak on Freepik and Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

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