Bob The Blobs Adventure - Part 3


Hello fellow geeks!
I am sorry I haven't posted another Bob the Blob in ages but now I am planning to always post another post every week.

Please tell me if I am doing something wrong! (I am still a beginner.)

Bob The Blobs Adventure - Part 3

It was a sunny day, perfect for another one of Bob's amazing adventures.

"Wowza! Today is one amazing day!"

But just then a small grey cloud appeared. The cloud was growing bigger and bigger as the minutes went by and started making the other clouds grey. Until Bob knew what was coming...a Storm!

Bob quickly made his way into his house and sighed in relief. "I hate the rain!" Shouted Bob.

Like all of us know, rain is a form of water. Bob hates rain because when water is sprayed at Bob, all of that water gets inside his body and starts to mix with his bodygoo and then he becomes and liquid. And this makes him become vulnerable.

So then he decided that it is best to sleep in and maybe have a nice cup of hot chocolate. In at least 10 minutes he was out for the count in a long sleep. He was asleep for hours as the storm raged on outside. Bob was in a silent sleep, snoring loudly as the time flashed by.

But he was not alone in his sleep. For the Arachnidanian warriors had a lust for vengeance, a thirst for blood - even if Bob had no blood.

The end.

Well that's the end of it. I hope you liked it.


Part 1Part 2Part 3
Part 1Part 2You are HERE

Watch list - I am inviting everyone to read my story. Please let me know if I can tag you in the next one or not!
@pixelhuntersam, @jasperdick, @zakludick, @clairemobey, @matthew-williams, @aimeludick, @blitzzzz, @loadreaper, @lex-zaiya, @tylorman, @therneau


Thank you to my dad, @zakludick for helping me with the cover. We used Blob and Background

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